A Canopy Of Water
Published: January 9, 2012Your have said that the earth would be restored to its original condition in the Millennium. That brings a question to my mind. When the earth was created was it not under a “canopy” of water? Would that mean that a canopy will be over the earth again?
Ephraim And Judah, Gog And Magog
Published: January 9, 2012I am having a debate with a Christian friend as to when the Ezekiel 38/39 war will take place. She says that Joseph and Judah coming together again like two broken sticks forming one stick(Ezekiel 37:19) is a symbol of salvation and can therefore only happen at the end of the Tribulation at the second coming of the Lord. She then goes on to say that if that is the case, then the Ezekiel 38/39 war must be postponed until the end of the millenium, which is confirmed (in her viewpoint) by the Revelation 20 prophecy that puts an end to Gog/Magog and indeed Satan himself.
Who Is The Remnant?
Published: January 8, 2012I am currently reading your book (7 things you have to know to understand end times prophecy) and on page 19 you quote Acts 15:13-18. My question is about the word “remnant” in that passage. Does this word refer to the Jewish people? And if it does here in this verse, does it always to the Jewish people? Is that word ever used for the Gentiles?
The Lord’s Final Words
Published: January 8, 2012I am ordering two copies of your your new book. I was wondering what you say the final words of Jesus were. I see varied answers.
Why Was Israel Hardened?
Published: January 7, 2012After reading the book of Romans, a question came to mind: is the hardening of Israel’s heart due to the fact that they rejected Jesus as the Messiah? And if so, once the Rapture occurs, will Israel’s heart be softened and the will recognize Jesus as Messiah?
Why Won’t Earth Need Oil And Gas?
Published: January 7, 2012In your article “Delay Between The Rapture And The 7 Year Treaty”, you stated that “After the 2nd coming, at the end of Daniel’s 70th Week, the world including Israel will have no need of an artificial source of energy”. I understand that this is the beginning of the millennium with Jesus sitting on David’s throne. Can you explain why the world will not use oil and gas and and other natural resources just as it has for the last six thousand years? After the millennium that sounds reasonable because it is eternity, but during the millennium it doesn’t sound reasonable.
Is There Enough Time?
Published: January 7, 2012One thing that I cant wrap my mind around is the fact that a Jewish temple must be built in such a short time. It seems only a polebarn or something comparable could be built in the time remaining. I would think a temple that would be similar to the last two would take years to complete. I just cant crunch the time alotted for the Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38,39 wars, and the new temple. It seems the rapture might be 5-10 years away.
What If I’m Like Satan?
Published: January 6, 2012I’ve read that at one time, Satan was a beautiful angel in Heaven. But pride was found in him and Satan wanted to elevate himself above God. For this, Satan was cast out of Heaven. This absolutely terrifies me. I do have faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And I also believe that we are saved by grace and that Heaven is perfect. But I am such a wicked, prideful person. What assurance can I have that I would not turn prideful or sinful in Heaven like Satan?
What Happens When We Leave?
Published: January 6, 2012For those of us who are leaving much of their estate to Christian causes, what do you see happening when the Rapture occurs? It could be a real mess as greed tries to interfere with what we intended the money to be used for. The Christians will be gone so who tends the store?
Daniel’s 70th Week Prophecy
Published: January 6, 2012I am confused about the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 where everyone says the Antichrist confirms a treaty with Israel. Doesn’t Daniel actually say that he confirms a covenant with “many”? I know it goes on to say about taking away the sacrifice and setting up an abomination that causes desolation but where does it say that he makes a covenant with Israel? Doesn’t the “many” mean a 7 year treaty with many countries? And who knows what the treaty is about – finance? Global warming? I know the Sanhedrin is planning on the sacrificing the Passover Lamb this year. Shouldn’t we be watching to see if and when a “man” makes them stop this offering instead of looking for a treaty?