Ask a Bible Teacher

The Moon In The Millennium

Published: January 5, 2012

I have a question that came to me last night: will the earth’s moon still be around during the 1000 years? I would think it wouldn’t be, as New Jerusalem would obstruct it’s orbit being nearly the same size.

The Seven Year Weapons Burning

Published: January 5, 2012

In one of your recent answers, you stated that you believe that Israel would be burning the weapons from Ezekiel’s war during the seven years of the tribulation. What throws me off is the fact that for the last three and a half years of the tribulation, Israel will be on the run from the Anti-Christ. So how can they be burning weapons while they are on the run? Isn’t it a possibility that Ezekiel’s war will end at least three and a half years, and maybe more, before the start of the tribulation?

Delay Between The Rapture And The 7 Year Treaty?

Published: January 4, 2012

How much of a time lapse will there be between the rapture of the church and the signing of the 7 year treaty? There has to be at least enough time to have the seven years of weapon burning correct?

How Do We Know That the New Testament Is Inspired?

Published: January 4, 2012

I am not questioning whether the New Testament is God’s word, but I find it interesting that there is no place in Scripture that the Lord gives instruction to write the New Testament. On what basis were the books that were included determined to be God’s word? I don’t want to blindly accept this, and have often wondered about it. I do accept the New Testament as the Word of God but I want to know why it is acceptable to God. Thanks for your input.

Is a Generation 70 years or 80?

Published: January 4, 2012

Psalm 90:10 says that The days of our life are seventy years, or perhaps eighty if we are strong. According to this passage could a generation be 70 or 80 years? If it could be 80 years then is there the possibility that the Rapture could be further away? The year 2021 would be 80 years minus seven for the Rapture to occur. Do you think this is a possibility? I consider this also, that Babylon must also be rebuilt. That may take a few years. I would like for the rapture to be this year, but according to God’s word a generation could be 70 or 80 years. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Was This A Typo?

Published: January 3, 2012

In one section of your commentary entitled “Seven Major Prophetic Signs Of The Second Coming” you say the following. “Already nearly one out of every four inhabitants of the world is Muslim, and like most Christians and Jews they don’t really know what they believe or why.” Are you really saying that or was there a typo error?

What Is He Thinking?

Published: January 2, 2012

Satan knows God well since he was his top Angel at one point, knows the Bible well since he quoted scripture to Jesus when he was trying to tempt Him. So why does Satan think an outcome other than what the Bible states will happen? I guess my thinking is if Satan is a higher being than humans and me being a sheep of a human reading Gods’ word now knows exactly how the future will unfold…what’s the deal with Satan? He knows God doesn’t lie and God has stated Satan’s demise step by step. Satan can’t possibly think he will be able to out maneuver God, especially after the Millennium seeing how everything has unfolded exactly as God has said.

Ezekiel 38, The Rapture, And Revelation

Published: December 31, 2011

I always thought that the Rapture was the sure signal of the start of the 70th Week. You disagree, so what is the sign of the start? If the Church is gone by Rev. 5, can we assume the Rapture occurs in Chapter 4? Something you wrote several years ago says the Rapture occurs around the time of Ezekiel 38. Where is Ezekiel 38 in Revelation?

Why The Delay?

Published: December 31, 2011

Why the mystery? Why is it important for man not to know about the day and the hour of Jesus’ return? Why the delay once the Sign is seen?

Pseudo Matthew

Published: December 30, 2011

My pastor quoted references from the Pseudo Matthew gospel a couple of weeks ago, and I had never heard of this. When I did some research, this sounded like false teaching. What can you tell me about this?