Ask a Bible Teacher

Signs In The Sun, Moon, And Stars

Published: December 23, 2011

Matt. 24:29 and Mark 13:24-25 say that the signs of the sun, moon and stars occur after the tribulation. But Joel 2:31 says the signs in the sun, moon, and stars happen before the Day of the Lord. My question is do the signs in sun, moon, and stars occur after the tribulation and before the start of the 1000 year reign of Christ as Matt. 24 says, or before the Day of the Lord as Joel 2 says?

Ezekiel 38 And The Old Covenant

Published: December 22, 2011

After the battle of Ezekiel 38-39, when Israel reinstates their Old Covenant relationship, will this be acceptable to God? The message of salvation must be consistent – belief in the coming Messiah changing to belief the Messiah has already come.

Jachin And Boaz

Published: December 22, 2011

Could you tell me please more about who Jachin was in 2 Chr. 3:17? I am very interested.

Will We Be Flesh Eaters?

Published: December 21, 2011

I know the inhabitants in the millennial reign of Christ will be flesh eaters, eating fish from the dead sea that is healed. My question: will the inhabitants in the New World be flesh eaters, also? Death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire, does that mean death to mankind only or will it extend to the animal kingdom, the grass in winter and garden vegetables after they mature?

Born Without A Sin Nature

Published: December 21, 2011

I was never ‘taught’, but assumed that our Heavenly Father placed the Seed of Christ in one of Marys natural eggs, making him part God, part human. But after considering it, I think he placed both in Mary and she bore the Child. Mary’s eggs would have had the first Adam’s DNA and sin nature. Jesus wasn’t born with any sin and never committed one. I am curious what you think because of all of your insightful responses.

Releasing The Captives

Published: December 19, 2011

After Jesus died, did he descend into Hades to set the captives free? If so, who were the captives?

Outer Court Or Holy Of Holies?

Published: December 19, 2011

I recently attended a bible study where the teacher taught that when Christians are first saved, they are in the “outer courts” of the tabernacle and that in order to get to the Holy of Holies and be truly close to God, we must do works, completely die to self, obey Him, and also give up hobbies or interests so that we can be more available to God. I understand most of that , but it’s the part about giving up our hobbies or interests that bothers me. Is there a scriptural basis for this teaching? The teacher didn’t refer to one.

Are Nephilim Marrying Humans Today?

Published: December 18, 2011

Are there Nephilim living amongst us today, intermarrying with humans and fathering children? If so, are there ways to detect such hybrids?

Saved By Works?

Published: December 18, 2011

Why do so many “Christians” believe they are saved by good works? Is it because of pride in human efforts?

Why 40 More Days?

Published: December 17, 2011

Can you give some scriptural support for this statement you made in your article “Between First Fruits and Pentecost? “Even after they had put Him to death, Jesus gave them 40 more days to accept him before returning to Heaven.”