How Can I Increase My Faith?
Published: May 16, 2024How does one go about increasing his faith in Christ and His power. It would be nice to have the faith to move mountains. I pray for it, and wisdom. I read His word continually and I do believe that He has that kind of power and that He lives in us, but my faith is so weak, as if it is non-existent, especially in regards to things that might apply directly to me. Maybe I feel unworthy of His love in this way, although I believe He has love and mercy towards me. Is there some key element I am missing in obtaining and increasing faith?
More On Our Crowns
Published: May 16, 2024I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m going to be the only Christian without a crown. I’m not sure I’ve ever done anything without some sort of hidden selfish motive. Even when I think I’m being selfless, just thinking that suddenly ruins everything. I guess I’ll just be grateful finally being with the Lord. That will be my reward. Being sinless and being with him is reward in itself. I can’t wait!!!
Villages Without Walls?
Published: May 15, 2024We hear a lot about a village without walls and we expect to see a dis-arming of Yisrael before everything gets going. But what if: the village without walls is attained thru deception and pressure and Yisrael leaves itself totally open to attack by bowing to the pressure to pacified the Edomites?
Proverbs 31 Author
Published: May 15, 2024My Sunday school class is beginning a quick study in Proverbs. My teacher asked if I could summarize Proverbs 31 in a couple of weeks so I am doing some research. I have found a couple of ideas as to the identity of King Lemuel and wondered what your take on this is. Some say that Lemuel was a “pet name” that Bathsheba had for her son, and this is her instructions to Solomon. Others I have read think that he is an unknown Jewish king, while others say that he was a king long before Solomon – possibly someone from Ishmael lineage. I would really like to have your opinion. Thank you for your ministry, I learn so much.
Judah And Joseph
Published: May 15, 2024I was wondering if there was any special reason the story of Judah and Tamar in Genesis 38 was put in there, it seems such an interruption of the story of Joseph and just doesn’t seem to fit.
The Prayer Of Jabez
Published: May 14, 2024Could you shed some light on a man named Jabez, mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 KJV?
Keeping Old Boyfriends
Published: May 14, 2024While discussing our marriage and her guy friends, my girlfriend said she sees nothing wrong with maintaining relationships with her ex boyfriends after we’re married. She admits to having sex with them in the past, but says they are just friends now and wants to keep them around as such. In fact she insists upon it.
I objected strongly and have now alienated her. I’m completely appalled because she is a woman I thought for sure I would marry.
She says God put these men into her life and has forgiven her for choosing the wrong path with them. Therefore, she is not willing to let go of the relationships. Is she wrong? Or am I wrong to insist she end them?
Why Mosquitoes?
Published: May 14, 2024I’m just wondering, why did God create mosquitoes if they’re such an annoying insect? Is the mosquito one of God’s implements for spreading plagues back then, or not? I’m just curious, that’s all. Thanks!
Absent From The Body
Published: May 13, 2024I have read many articles stating that all who have died remain in the grave until the second coming. What about the transfiguration where Moses and Elijah were present? The rich man and Lazarus has also been discounted as some kind of parable. I have always believed “absent from body present with the Lord.” Your thoughts?
The Garden Of Eden
Published: May 13, 2024Thank you so very much for your answers and help in clarifying different passages in Scripture. God has given you such keen insight, thank you for sharing with us.
I have a question about the garden of Eden. Where did it go? Was it taken to Heaven, or protected for awhile and then destroyed? Was it really located in the area they now call the Fertile Crescent?