The Lesson Of Luke 14:12-14
Published: November 20, 2011I have been struck by Luke 14:12-14, where Jesus speaks to the host of the dinner. What is your understanding of it? There are three dinner references in this chapter. Are they all parables or just the third one?
Providing For The Elderly
Published: November 19, 2011This is an interesting subject! I personally don’t believe in building a bomb shelter, just in doing my part to provide for the emergency needs of my family in accordance with 1 Timothy 5:8, which says, ” But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Is that a faith problem?
Religious Calendar and Civil Calendar
Published: November 19, 2011I understand that the religious calendar came into existence either in Abraham’s time or Moses’ time, but I am not sure which. Do you happen to know? If it was Moses’ time, did the religious calendar come in before or after Exodus 19?
Nuclear Weapons And Ezekiel 38
Published: November 19, 2011I have a question about Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s nuclear threats against Israel. The chapters of Ezekiel 38 and 39 appear to indicate that the Moslem Coalition and Russia invade the Jewish nation by way of assembling an army. Are nuclear weapons the same as a gathering army? If this nuclear threat prophetically pertains to this invasion then how can Israel’s enemies plunder a land that is victimized by such a holocaust?
Wisdom Of The Ages Follow Up
Published: November 18, 2011You have mentioned that in going for the Crown of Victory, we’re not competing against each other, but against our old selves, also called “the flesh”. My question is this, if a born-again believer loses the battle against the flesh and commits adultery, is the Crown of Victory gone forever, or can it still be awarded if the person repents and lives out the rest of their days in righteousness, justice, mercy and truth?
Paul’s Former Life
Published: November 18, 2011In 1 Timothy 1:13, why does Paul state he was shown mercy because he acted in ignorance and unbelief? Had he been saved previously, or at least aware of biblical principles, would mercy not be possible? How does that affect those that have once been around the faith but turned away and fell into sin?
Where And When Does Israel Get Saved?
Published: November 18, 2011I need to know when and where Israel would get saved. The two witnesses are prophesying in the tribulation and Elijah will restore all things. It seems that Israel is purified in Petra and the covenant is made in this wilderness. Would you agree with this? If not, please give clear answers concerning when and where Israel would get saved.
Resist The Devil And He Will Flee
Published: November 17, 2011I have read and heard testimonies of people in the midst of spiritual warfare in which Christ himself appears and rebukes the demons who then flee. Do you think that Christ physically appeared to these people to protect them from demons, or do you think that these people saw a vision of Christ without him being there physically?
Faith Or Fear, Follow Up
Published: November 16, 2011In response to “Faith or Fear” I certainly understand everyone’s natural fear for the future what with all the events happening in our world today. Your short response of essentially: “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” bothered me greatly. Yes, we are to maintain a solid faith in our Lord and His faithful provision for His own. However; there should be a balance. I believe He expects us to be “Preppers” once He has forewarned us! What’s wrong with preparing for the future with whatever wisdom you have? I can think of several times that the Lord sent word to His people to prepare. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David were all given warnings and told to prepare. It’s a godly thing to prepare. Being a “Prepper” is stepping out in faith. I’m a Berean.
Are Current Events Foretold In Prophecy?
Published: November 16, 2011I’ve read several articles online about the possibility that Israel will soon attack Iran. I’m just curious what your thoughts are on this situation and how it fits into Biblical prophecy.