Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Rosh Hashanah?

Published: June 7, 2011

I’ve read your article titled ‘No One knows the Day or the Hour’ and I agree that they refer to the Second Coming and I also understand that 2018 is neither a day or an hour. But what I was wondering is what exactly is Rosh Hashanah and why do you think it will be when Christ will return? Also, is we can predict the day that Rosh Hashanah will fall in 2018, wouldn’t that mean we would know that day of His return? I simply want to get the clear picture so I can be a better witness.

Hasn’t This Already Happened?

Published: June 7, 2011

Re: Will we see Satan’s defeat? How does your answer fit in with Jesus stating that “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven” in Luke 10:18? Who then are the 1/3 of the angels cast out and hasn’t Satan been tossed to Earth and is currently under restriction? Are not the demons these fallen angels? Hasn’t the angelic war previously happened?

Why Joplin?

Published: June 7, 2011

I enjoyed your feature article this week. But I’m still puzzled. Why Joplin? What did the people there do to deserve this judgment?

Doctor Assisted Death

Published: June 5, 2011

With the death of the controversial Jack Kervorkian, I was wondering what scripture has to say about “doctor assisted” death. One of my mother’s all time favorite expressions was “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Is it possible that Dr. Kervorkian’s “good intentions” in helping folks die while avoiding severe pain and suffering might result in a place for him in Hell? After all, no matter how you look at it, he was taking the life of one of God’s children.

Does Hosea 6:1-2 Give Us a Timeline?

Published: June 5, 2011

In Hosea 6:2 it says, “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight” Could this mean to say that after two thousand years (following Christ’s death and resurrection) that He will return to “revive us”, and during the 1000 year millennium he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight?

Eternal Security In The Old Testament?

Published: June 4, 2011

Would I be wrong to believe that the Jews in the Old Testament had a kind of Eternal Security? They were able,no matter what the sin to sacrifice an animal and be forgiven. If we who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for us were to sacrifice an animal,it would be blasphemous. So if we are able to be lose our salvation for sinning, it would appear that the old covenant is better than the new covenant! Am I seeing this correctly?

Will We know The Day?

Published: June 4, 2011

Jesus told His disciples on the Mount of Olives that no one could know the day when Christ returns (Mt 24). Paul tells us in Heb. 10:25 that we will know the day Christ returns. Are they contradictory or are they referring to different events?

A Question About Dating

Published: June 3, 2011

My best friend, who is also a Christian, is dating a Jewish boy. My youth group pastor told us that Christians are not supposed to date those aren’t committed Christians. What should I tell my friend? Should I support this relationship?

Is God Using Weather, Follow Up

Published: June 1, 2011

In the question Is God Using Weather To Judge Us you said:

“You can make a circumstantial case from the Bible that it had never even rained on Earth before the Great Flood. Extreme weather is one of the enduring consequences of that judgment,”

Can you develop the answer a little more? I have some difficulties in finding support in the Bible.

Is God Using The Weather To Judge Us?

Published: May 30, 2011

I live near Joplin, MO where an F5 tornado struck last weekend. Please help me because I know as I go to Joplin and help with our church I will be asked why God allowed this to happen, and I would like to be able to answer them from God’s word. We don’t know why God allows storms or stops storms or why they hit where they do. But He is in control of them and He sees the big picture and He’s God who are we to question Him, so basically I feel confused. Also there are a lot of people saying that when disaster strikes it’s God’s judgment on their sin and if that’s the case wouldn’t all of us need to take cover because we are all sinners?