Is The Royal Wedding A Sign Of The End?
Published: April 16, 2011I was traveling recently and in the airport, I noticed a headline on the upcoming Royal Wedding. It has stuck in my brain because of Matthew 24:36 and following. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on this. If we are supposed to be actively looking for the signs of the end, and His return which are very near, wouldn’t this GRAND wedding be something that would fit the context of that verse?
There Was Evening And There Was Morning
Published: April 16, 2011I am struggling to understand how the days are counted. God created light out of the darkness, that would be day. Then He said there was evening and morning one day. Just an evening and a morning is not a day, it is half a day. I can not understand how this was figured out. Your help would be most appreciated.
Is Israel Being Set Up?
Published: April 14, 2011Do you get the sense that Israel is being ‘set up’ to need to start a war next month with the Flotilla scheduled for May 14th, and all the constantly provoking rockets Gaza keeps sending? It seems like Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah etc are trying to force Israel to attack first, so they can have the excuse to fight back even harder, but not be the instigating ‘bad guys’ (even though we all know they are.) I just wonder if May will be the time that Isaiah 17 and / or Psalm 83 get under way, and if you think that is likely.
I also wonder, and I realize we can’t know, if we will be here for it, or be summoned by Jesus before all the bloodshed starts. I pray daily, a few times a day actually, for ‘today’ to be the day He collects us. I can hardly wait to see Him in person, and never before now have I felt like it is so close. I very much appreciate your insight into this.
Missing From Heaven
Published: April 13, 2011Just wondering about our loved ones who’ve passed on before us. Since there will be no tears or sorrow in heaven how will we not be sad if those we thought would be there are not? Will we have no memory of them so we won’t be sad?
Left Behind For Bad Behavior, Follow Up
Published: April 13, 2011I always thought that there was something more than just having faith to go in the Rapture. But after reading your article, I realized that Faith really encircles everything there has to be. Having the faith, we do what the Lord wants to be prepared for His coming. I would add, however, that the Lord does not want us to know the date and the time of the Rapture because, knowing it, we would continue living our worldly lives and start preparing by the appointed time. It would be very easy. Not knowing it means that we have to be prepared in advance and wait for Him to come.
Held From The Rapture To Serve In The 144,000?
Published: April 13, 2011Do you know if there is any Biblical support for a true Jewish believer today who feels he could possibly not go up in the pre-trib rapture in order to be used as one of the 144,000 in Rev. 7? I personally don’t see where God would withhold the promises made to His bride, the Church (even for one or two believers), in order to use them as witnesses during Daniel’s 70th week. However, I do see where it is going to be an awesome responsibility for those who are chosen. I can only imagine!
Revelation Time Line.
Published: April 12, 2011I understand that we should interpret scripture literally whenever the context allows us to do so, but what about being able to understand whether something that was prophesied has already occurred? For example, I understand that books such as Revelation are still future because of the awesome events described in them, but how do we know for sure that the events in Revelation will span 7 years and not longer? Is it because of the parallel in Daniel’s 70th week? If that is so then how do we know the events BEFORE the abomination of desolation take place over a period of 3 1/2 years?
Rev. 6 And The Wrath Of God
Published: April 9, 2011According to Rev. 8:1-6 opening the seventh seal releases the seven trumpet judgments and according to Rev. 11:15 sounding the seventh trumpet leads to the seven bowls. In other words, they’re all tied together. Can’t we therefore assume that this whole period is the Wrath of God ?
Still More On The Martyrs
Published: April 9, 2011I read your response to “More on Tribulation Martyrs” and I think your statement “notice that while they will reign with Christ they are not called kings” is a stretch. Rev 5:10 says (speaking of the church) “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Is the word “reign” used in Rev 20:4 and Rev 5:10 the same in Greek? If so, to say they are not kings because of omission is a weak argument.
More On Tribulation Martyrs
Published: April 8, 2011I know you said the great multitude in heaven in Rev 7 are the martyrs taken out of the Great Tribulation (so they do not go through it). I can agree with that, but then what happens to the martyrs after that? Many will still die in the Great Tribulation. I know the Sheep and the Goats Judgment is for the survivors of the entire 70th week, so what happens to those who die in the Lord during the last half, the Great Tribulation?