Ask a Bible Teacher

The Prophet Of Moses

Published: December 19, 2010

Who is the Prophet mentioned in John 1:21? I always thought that the Prophet was Jesus Christ but why would they ask John that if he was the Christ and the Prophet as if they were two separate people? Can you show me some passages that show Jesus is also the Prophet?

The Santa Hoax

Published: December 18, 2010

I recently received quite a shellacking from a co-worker when I was in the process of explaining some of the pagan origins of the traditions that are associated with Christmas. I had expressed my disdain for the practice of my church to include Santa Claus in this annual observance. I believe that Satan employs many different tactics to divert our attention from the saving grace of God. In this particular instance, it happens to be a ” jolly old elf”.

Aside from the obvious emphasis on materialism, I believe that the Santa hoax lays the dangerous groundwork for skepticism in the future beliefs of any child. I once witnessed such a troubling occurrence when, upon discovering the truth about Santa, an angry small boy questioned also the reality of Jesus. I am not certain that the secular world’s attempt to disassociate Christ’s name from the holiday is something that the Church should resist. Am I in error?

How Old Was Joseph?

Published: December 18, 2010

We know that Mary was a teenager (when she was betrothed), how old was Joseph?

Why Did God Abandon Israel?

Published: December 17, 2010

I confess there is much I yet don’t understand about God’s relationship with the Jews and why He has seemingly abandoned them at times. I’d be thankful for any insight you could offer.

How Can Jesus And God Be The Same?

Published: December 17, 2010

Thank you for your Godly wisdom in answering our questions. Your site is the highlight of my day. I have become friends with a young lady who attends my church and who has told me she is not saved. Her question to me this past Sunday was how can God also be Jesus? What would be a good answer to a non-believer who hasn’t a clue, but one who is genuinely seeking answers?

Isn’t 1967 A Better Start Date?

Published: December 16, 2010

I had a question regarding 1948 and this beginning the first year counting down to the rapture. I know this is when Israel became a country but I thought the count down, according to the Bible, would begin 1967 when the 6 day war reclaimed the city of Jerusalem. Meaning once Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Jew then THAT generation would not pass before Jesus returned. Which would mean the rapture should occur the year 2030??? Please let me know what your thoughts are on this.

The Day And Hour Of The 2nd Coming

Published: December 15, 2010

In your reply to the question about a May 21, 2011 rapture you wrote, “But three times between Matt. 24:36 and Matt 25:13 the Lord said the day and hour of the 2nd Coming would not be known in advance.” Would you please give me the specific scripture where it says that the day and the hour would not be known in advance? I have just reread those verses several times, and I see twice that we are told to watch! Why should we watch if we cannot know, as you wrote? All I see is that Jesus said that only God knew the time at that time when He (Jesus) spoke those words. Jesus did not say that no-one would know in advance, ever.

Is Satan All Knowing?

Published: December 15, 2010

Is Satan all knowing like Jesus? I was told Satan only knows what we tell him; past sins, weaknesses, habits etc. This is how he attacks us! Our Savior knows all, but what about Satan?

Forming The Continents

Published: December 14, 2010

In one of your articles there was a reference to the singular continent of Pangaea theory that many scientists believe. I’m not convinced we really know for sure, but let’s say there was one giant land mass and that the continents did divide during the few hundred years you mentioned up to the time of Peleg. Considering this remarkably short amount of time, the size of land mass involved and the magnitude of violent force it would have taken to divide such an enormous amount of land, it seems like many, many people would have been killed during this traumatic change. What are your thoughts on this?

Believing Jesus Is God

Published: December 14, 2010

When a person believes that he/she is saved because he/she has accepted Jesus ” man” as his Savior and Lord but denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Christ Himself is God, is he/she saved? In other words, could a man be saved from his sins by putting his trust in Jesus “man” but denies that Jesus Christ is God/Man, is he saved?