Ask a Bible Teacher

Will The Church See The Anti-Christ?

Published: October 28, 2010

I am just wondering, do you think that we will have an insight or know who the anti-Christ is before the rapture? There are many speculations on who and where the anti-Christ will come from. Some say he will be of Roman descent, and others say he will be from the Mid East. I would think that the anti-Christ would be of Roman descent, since the Romans are the ones who crucified Jesus. Will God let us stay on this Earth to see any of the tribulation or at least until the anti-Christ shows his face?

More On The Seal Judgments

Published: October 25, 2010

The four horsemen seem to me to be glimpses of the conditions of things to come with the judgments starting with the 6th Seal. It’s like each horseman pulls back another curtain to show the trouble they bring to the 70th Week. They remind me of a “Forward” written in a book which is the preliminary groundwork to the story coming up. Do you see my reasoning? If not, can you help me reconcile these things that don’t seem to fit with each other?

Should Christians Support Rebuilding The Temple?

Published: October 25, 2010

I was wondering how you consider Christians ought to stand on the matter of the rebuilding of the temple. Does the rebuilding represent a truly good thing that Christians can support? Could Satan’s strategy be to have the temple built at the centre of the earth in Jerusalem so he can usurp the LORD and take His place?

Are They Sinning?

Published: October 23, 2010

My dad is in a nursing home with Alzheimers and my mom, who now lives alone, has become lonely. She has since started seeing another man, whose wife died a few years ago. Both she, my dad, and the man she’s dating are Christians. My mom and her boyfriend go on dates all the time and I’ve observed them kissing and necking. They think that because they haven’t had sexual relations what they are doing is OK in the Lord’s eyes. I disagree and would like to know the Scripture if any supporting this. Who’s right?

Was Jesus Created?

Published: October 23, 2010

I was brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness but now I have found Christ and I’m saved. But there is this concept that I have not been able to clear in my mind. Was Jesus Christ created? Please refer to Colossians 1: 15-16 in your answer.

Babylon And The Medes

Published: October 22, 2010

On your site you state:-“One day soon, the King of the Medes will again lead a vast army against Babylon, and this time her destruction will be complete, and the Lord’s words will be fulfilled” However, Revelation 17:16-17 says “And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.” According to your logic, the end time Medes are the beast and the 10 horns. Does not quite fit.

Was This Permitted?

Published: October 21, 2010

In Jeremiah 41:5 it says about 80 men from Shechem, Shiloh & Samaria arrived to worship at the temple of the Lord. They had shaved their beards, torn their clothes, cut themselves & had brought with them grain offerings and frankincense. I know some eastern religions cut themselves, but I didn’t know God was also worshiped this way. Does this phrase mean something other than what it appears to mean?

What’s An Evangelical Christian?

Published: October 21, 2010

What exactly is meant by the term ‘Evangelical Christians’? I hear and read it everywhere but am not sure how to explain it because it seems so many sources use it in differing ways.

More On The Post Rapture World

Published: October 20, 2010

There is much conjecture regarding the rapture and the reaction of the people still on earth afterward. Many people think the worlds governments will try to explain it away with excuses of alien abductions or other similar propaganda. I am starting to think that the world will know that the rapture did in fact take place and will begin seeking a way to connect with God. This could be where the false prophet and the Antichrist really come into play. Once the world’s population begins following him then the only ones left would be the Jews and gentile believers who refuse to do so, and will become the objects of the anti-Christ’s wrath. What do you think?

Will The Palestinians Get A State?

Published: October 19, 2010

Will all the interest and focus on the middle east right now and the so called peace process, is there anything in Bible prophecy to indicate that Israel will be living as a neighbor with the Palestinians? Do you think there is a possibility they may get a state?