Did Adam Understand Death, Follow Up
Published: October 15, 2010I find it interesting that there are those that would believe Adam was ignorant of anything. Was he not a created being of God? If Nephilim had advanced knowledge, would it not stand to reason that Adam did as well?
Hidden Rapture Doctrine, Follow Up
Published: October 15, 2010When we meet the Lord in the air, Satan’s front yard, do you think we will be able to see Satan and his demons ? I’ve imagined them all, powerless to stop Jesus and all of us as we are passing through to heaven. I would think Satan will be enraged.
The Host Of Heaven And The Kings Of Earth
Published: October 14, 2010Great site, I am a regular reader with a small question. How to interpret Isaiah 24:21 “So it will happen in that day, that the Lord will punish the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth.” Who is the host of heaven on high here? From the rest of the chapter one could assume it is referring to Satan/Lucifer/fallen angels or the A/C, but being called the “host of heaven on high” sounds more like Christ. Is it a reference to Christ and his work on the cross instead?
More On The “Last Trump”
Published: October 14, 2010You are teaching a pre-trib rapture. 1 Thes 4:16 mentions a trumpet of God as one of those things that call us to meet the Lord in the sky. If that was all I had, I could see how the rapture is pre-trib., but 1 Cor. 15:52 says at the last trumpet, and isn’t the last trumpet toward the end of the Trib. according to Rev.?
Lifting Holy Hands In Praise
Published: October 13, 2010I, like so many others, appreciate your website and the truth that you share about God’s Word. My husband and I differ when it comes to praising the Lord. He does not believe there is a place in worship for raising your hands. Psalm 134 says to Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. My husband says that those who do this are saying look at me…I am righteous. I feel the lifting of your hands is a way of saying, “Thank you Lord” and “I praise you.”
If He Will Not Work He Shall Not Eat
Published: October 13, 2010In the New Testament, I have read ”you don’t work, you don’t eat”. I have MS. I don’t work and can’t help around the house. Do I ignore this reading?
Forgiveness Vs. Consequences
Published: October 12, 2010God has forgiven every sin that I have done, as well as those I will still do. So the full price was paid for all my sins. When I regret what I have done, I repent before God and ask forgiveness, knowing He has already forgiven me. But my question is, what about the consequences of my sin?
More Questions About Matt. 24
Published: October 12, 2010I have a question about Mathew 24. How is it that the disciples asked questions about Jesus 2nd coming when they didn’t even fully understand that he would be crucified and be resurrected like he was trying to tell them? Another question I have is about Him saying the time before he comes again will be like the days of Noah, (vs36 -41) where people will be eating and drinking, but I thought the days would be violent from the all the natural disasters and judgments in Revelation? And also in the parable following this it says the master who finds his servants not watching and expecting his return would be cut to pieces, Isn’t all of Israel going to be saved at the 2nd coming?
The Wages Of Sin, Follow Up
Published: October 10, 2010Maybe I didn’t read it correctly but the person who wrote this article asked if the phrase “the wages of sin is death” was speaking of a physical death not a spiritual one. You responded, “The wages of sin is death comes from Romans 6:23 and relates to physical death.” How is wages of sin is death related to physical death? If that were truly the case, born again Christians wouldn’t be physically dying on this earth. I’ve been always told, wages of sin is spiritual death, which is separation from God.