Two Brides?
Published: July 22, 2010I know a teacher that has a bible study group and his doctrine about the bride of Christ is that the Jews are God’s bride, and the gentiles are Jesus’ bride. What do you say? I have never heard this before! If it is so, it changes the whole new testament for me. I just can’t believe it. What do you have to say about this? Is this considered a doctrine also? Thank you so much!
Are The 10 Commandments Only For Israel?
Published: July 22, 2010Are the 10 Commandments only meant for Israel?
Unbelievers Who Survive The Great Tribulation
Published: July 21, 2010After the Second Coming, I understand that the Saved from the Church Age will live in the New Jerusalem while the Tribulation Saints live on earth — Jews in the Kingdom and Gentiles in the Nations. But what will happen to the unbelievers who manage to survive the Tribulation? Unbelieving Jews? Unbelieving Gentiles? Of those two populations, who will live where?
Knowing The End From The Beginning
Published: July 20, 2010Re: Your article “Between First Fruits and Pentecost.” If as you say “… He knew the Israelites would not (repent). But as I’ve said before, knowing the future is not the same as controlling it”, then how could the Israelites have chosen differently?
Do We Come Or Are We Dragged?
Published: July 20, 2010My question centers around verse 44 from John chapter 6. The verse reads: ” No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day.” After doing some research I discovered that the Greek word used for ” come” means to accompany and the Greek word used for ” draw” means to drag. What the verse seems to imply is that no one can accompany Jesus unless the Father first drags them to Jesus. I am wondering, in what way is a person ” dragged” to Jesus by the Father and what are the implications of this to us and how we perceive salvation?
Jesus, Mary, And Thomas
Published: July 20, 2010I have always been interested in Jesus’ answers to Mary and Thomas as to why Mary was not allowed to touch him after He rose from the dead and why Thomas was allowed to touch His hands. Just because Thomas lacked faith does not give him greater privileges than Mary does it?
All The Nations Will Mourn
Published: July 19, 2010I have long wondered if the anti-Christ convinces the world’s armies to war against Jesus when He returns by convincing people that Jesus is an alien coming to destroy the world. What do you think?
How Does Forgiveness Flesh Out?
Published: July 19, 2010My Christian niece had an affair, divorced her Christian husband without Biblical cause, and married her lover. My sister has forgiven them by faith and as act of her will, but the situation still bothers her. There was no forgiveness sought on their part from anyone; she knows that is not a prerequisite, and she must forgive anyway. However, the question is how does that forgiveness “flesh out” in reality; what does forgiveness DO; how is she to treat them, etc? There are three grand kids involved and this has affected them.
John 6:40 And The Rapture
Published: July 18, 2010I’m pretty sure there’s a pre-trib Rapture but I get a little shaky when I hear about those being raised up on the last day could you clarify that reference for me? Thanks.
Why Did God Do That?
Published: July 18, 20101 Chronicles 21:14 says, “So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.” Why did God kill 70,000 men (not counting women and children?) as David’s punishment? Did these 70,000 deserve punishment, too? That doesn’t sound like a very merciful God to me. It sounds like tyranny. I would sincerely like to understand. I’m a Christian and I hope to get past it, to chalk it up to one of those things I don’t understand now, but maybe I will in the next existence.