Ask a Bible Teacher

Would This Be A Sin?

Published: December 8, 2009

Thank you for your ministry and the many answers and teachings with which I’ve been blessed. Recently I was asked a question that I could not answer Biblically- Let’s say a man walks into his house only to witness another man raping his sister, he then grabs his gun and fires off three rounds killing the rapist., Now assuming that he’s fully within the law (owning the weapon and shooting at the intruder/rapist as allowed in many states) has this man (a born again believer in Christ) committed a sin? Are we not commanded in the Word “Thou Shall Not Kill”, and if it’s not a sin, when and where in Scripture was that commandment rescinded?

Rapture And Martyrs

Published: December 5, 2009

Who will be raptured before the tribulation, who will become Martyrs? Better yet will those who will be raptured be those who have not sinned against the commandments and those Martyred those who believe yet sinned therefore must suffer as a Martyr during the tribulation?

Did God Take Vengeance On Him?

Published: December 4, 2009

This question arose because recently, a young man in his mid twenties died from a drug overdose. About 6 months prior to this he was instrumental in helping a troubled young woman accuse another young man in his early twenties of being “inappropriate” with this woman’s 5 year old girl. This resulted in legal action against the 2nd man because he was on parole for drugs himself. Unfortunately he was only 1 week from being totally off parole and being free from the law. The 2nd man is a christian. The 1st man was a pretender christian, at least it appeared so from his actions. No fruits evident. Anyway, here is the question. Do you think the Lord avenges His children when someone tries to cause them harm in some way?

Are We Running Out Of Time?

Published: December 3, 2009

If it’s been 61 years since Israel became a nation again and we are looking at a 70 year lifespan but yet we are still waiting for the war of Psalm 83 take place and the war Ezekiel 38 to at least start before the rapture, aren’t we running out of time for all this to happen? If the 70 years from 1948 is correct alot would have to happen by 2011 if the tribulation is to end and the second coming to take place within the 70 years.

What Do Rastafarians Believe?

Published: December 2, 2009

I like your site. I like how you explain things so that it is easy to understand. My question is what is rastafarianism? Is it biblical or Christian? What are the rasta beliefs?

Sex In The Millennium

Published: December 1, 2009

While listening to Part 15 of the Book of Mark study, I thought I heard you say that “the Old Testament saints will be resurrected at Christ’s 2nd coming and repopulate the Millennium”. Maybe I heard wrong, but I thought once we get a perfected body that we won’t be having sex and procreating anymore? Did I just hear you wrong or is this only for Old Testament saints? If it is true, will the church get to enjoy sex in the Millennium with say our departed spouses and help to repopulate the earth?

Should I Get A Divorce?

Published: December 1, 2009

I got married @17 in 1976. I committed adultery and left my husband 10 yrs later. Because he is catholic he won’t divorce me and I can’t afford the cost because I live on a fixed amount of income. I lived with boyfriends through out the separation, but 2 yrs ago I ended a live in relationship of 14 yrs because I gave my life to the Lord. We are friends as he understands my faith but it doesn’t mean he’s happy about it. My only husband, is an alcoholic now and I think he has forgiven me. I did ask for his forgiveness and said we were just to young when we married. Neither of us have a desire to remarry. Is a divorce still necessary?

Is Commitment a Cause Or An Effect?

Published: December 1, 2009

I was bothered by an article I read about the rapture. It said, “…by not committing your life to Jesus and by declining to follow Him, you have left Him with no choice but to leave you behind.” It seems like the author is saying that even if we ask Jesus to forgive us and believe on Him, if we don’t then commit our lives to Jesus, we will not be taken in the rapture. The author then goes on to say “The sin decontamination process is very simple – you simply ask Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for it. First, admit your sinful state. Next, ask Jesus to forgive you of your wrongdoings. Finally, make Jesus Christ Lord of your life by surrendering your will to Him.”

This sounds an awful lot like Lordship salvation. I agree with the first two parts, but the surrendering part does not sound like Biblical salvation to me. Am I correct in believing that the committing part follows the salvation, and does not contribute to it? Or is committing to Jesus also a requirement?

Why 1948 And Not 1967?

Published: November 30, 2009

Thanks for your honesty- you seem really sincere in your writing, and not a bit frustrated or tired of the same questions over and again. That means a lot! Keep it up… I know that must be a struggle. However, I guess I do not really see how you conclude Mt. 24:34 to mean a lifetime from 1948- why not 1967? I really appreciate you andyour ministry, it has been a huge blessing to me in my walk, and my own personal study.

Left Without A Witness?

Published: November 29, 2009

I really appreciate your site and believe the Lord uses it to prepare His people for His coming. My question is this: If Daniel’s seventieth week, or seven years for the Jewish people, begins at the conclusion of Ezekiel’s war and the rapture occurs sometime before that, would that not leave the world without a witness in the interim? This seems inconsistent with God’s modus operandi to remove His Spirit with the believers in the rapture before Israel is prepared by the miracles of deliverance in Ezekiel 38 and 39 to take over their place as His witness.