What About Magic?
Published: November 16, 2009I’ve been bothered as of late, with a kind of curiosity that has beset me that wants to know what is the deal with magic. I know the scriptures say that the dark arts are a bad thing. I know that dealing with anything that summons demons is a bad thing of course. My interest has brought me upon a book titled “The Book of Abramelin” This book is said to be a originally written by a Jewish Talmudist and contains information on how to achieve “knowledge and conversation” with the “Holy Guardian Angel” What are your opinions on magic and the Kabbalah, and if somebody like me who has the holy spirit within me, am I protected against the evils of magic? Or is magic an area I should avoid all together?
More on Lessons From TheMillennium
Published: November 16, 2009This doesn’t mean that the people are sinning during the millennium when Satan is bound for that time does it, but that after his release he is able to convince man to sin again, as he did Eve in the garden? And he will be released for a time, which could be quite a period of time, as in the days of Adam to Noah, it didn’t take long for the whole earth to become evil.
Another Rapture Promise
Published: November 14, 2009Thanks so very much for your thoughtful help with scripture. I guess my question has something to do with the rapture. In 1 Thessalonians 3: 13 Paul is asking the LORD to increase the Thessalonian believers love so that HE may establish their hearts blameless in holiness before the FATHER at the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST with all HIS saints. It sounds to me as though Paul wants them to be ready for the comming of JESUS with all HIS saints rather being one of the arriving saints.
Doesn’t JESUS return for all HIS saints well before HE returns with all HIS saints? Im kind of a cement head and I guess I need you to make this clear. Why are they still here at what sounds like the second comming? If they are already with HIM than its a bit late to establish your hearts. Shouldn’t you be about as established as you can get at that point?
Evening And Morning, Follow Up
Published: November 13, 2009I read your article today entitled “And There Was Evening And There Was Morning”. I found the article very interesting. But I have a few points to discuss with you. Genesis 1:3-5 says, “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning–the first day.” I find myself a little confused here, God made the sun and moon on the fourth day, so where is the day and night, and morning and evening coming from on the first three days. Then I thought, well maybe a day to God, before the sun was put in place could possible be a ten thousand years or so. So maybe then the scientist’s time periods could be true. What are your views on this?
Understanding Daniel 8:14
Published: November 12, 2009I was recently reading commentary about the temple mount and Jewish vs Muslim control of the site. One commentator wrote, “He (God) made a promise that from the shattering of Persia in 333 BC it would be 2,300 years until the sanctuary would be returned. Read Daniel 8 subtract 333 from 2,300 and see the date of a promise kept?” The date is 1967, after the Six Days’ War. Is what this person is saying true? Was the outcome of the Six Days’ War prophesied in the bible? Or are these verses talking about something else? Thank you for your time.
Bishops And Deacons
Published: November 11, 2009Firstly thank you for your insight and answers to all the different questions people ask and need answers for. I would like to know firstly the difference between a Bishop and a Deacon or Elder. Also could you please tell me why a Bishop cannot drink wine (1 Timothy 3:3) yet a Deacon can drink a little wine (1 Timothy 3: 8)?
Has The Breaking Of The 7 Seals Begun?
Published: November 11, 2009Thank you for sharing the wisdom and knowledge the Lord has Blessed you with. I watched a TV documentary recently that investigated whether the breaking of the Seven Seals had begun. The documentary reviewed recent world events (natural disasters, famines, plagues and political/financial upheavals) to insinuate the seven year tribulation has begun. There is no question that our world is certainly in a time if despair, but there have been other times of despair before now. Can you share your thoughts on this question?
One Language Again?
Published: November 7, 2009I really enjoy reading your answers to questions. My question is will we go back to one language when in heaven … like before the Tower of Babel?
More On The Gap Theory
Published: November 7, 2009Do you believe in the Gap Theory? If not, how do you explain dinosaurs and other fossils that are millions of years old. Also I believe in Jeremiah they talk about the earth being destroyed in a previous age. Isaiah talks about how Lucifer was God’s favorite and blessed angel before pride got in the way. Please give reasons for whether you believe or not. Thanks for all your insight, I’ve learned a lot from you.
Who Will Go in The Rapture?
Published: November 6, 2009I have perhaps a silly question, but one that is tugging at me nonetheless…Who will go in the Rapture? Is there an age in the Christian faith at which we are to be held responsible for our own faith?