Lessons From The Millennium
Published: November 5, 2009From your teaching, I understand that the earth will be repopulated, repaired, and refurbished by believing, but mortal, survivors of the Tribulation. And I know we are told little or nothing about life on earth or the organization of society during the Millennium.
Yet, at the end of the thousand years, when Satan is released, he will have no problem recruiting a vast army of new rebels against God and His rule. To me, that indicates that as new generations are born during the Millennium, mankind will have reverted to its old, rebellious, sinful nature just as it is today despite the presence of the Lord ruling from Jerusalem with a Rod of Iron.
How can I resolve the apparent contradiction seen when Jesus, God Himself, ruling with a stated and emphasized Rod of Iron, is unsuccessful, powerless, to overrule man’s rebellious spirit? This has caused me great distress for years.
More On Guardian Angels
Published: November 5, 2009I’ve read where you say children are protected by personal guardian angels, and I’m sure you are right. But that brings a question to mind and maybe the answer is so obvious that I can’t see it. If children have guardian angels why are so many in hospitals with cancer and other horrible diseases, why are so many abused and killed by strangers and many times their own parents or fall into the hands of pedophiles? Why are some born with terrible birth defects? I would think a guardian angel would prevent all this and each child would at least have a good start in life. I hope this is not a silly question and you will be able to shed some light on it for me.
Acts 8:37. To Be or Not To Be?
Published: November 5, 2009I so appreciate your taking the time to answer all questions offered to you. I love your site!!! Last night I felt the need to check a reference in the Bible, Acts 8:37 to be exact. I was reading the NIV and low and behold it wasn’t there. It skips from 8:36-8:38. The RSV is the same. It is however in the KJV. It turns out to be important because if the translation is correct, Phillip tells the eunuch that since he believes Jesus is the Messiah he, the eunuch, can be baptized. Why has this verse been deleated from the other versions?
Gaderenes, Gergesenes, Or Gerasenes?
Published: November 4, 2009How do you counter a claim that the Bible contains error because of the story of the demon-possessed man and the herd of pigs? If some manuscripts say Gadarenes, some say Gergesenes, and some say Gerasenes, then how do you explain the discrepancy to someone looking for error, especially when the story appears in three of the gospel accounts?
Understanding The Letter To Sardis
Published: November 4, 2009I really enjoy your website and appreciate your teaching and insight. In the letter to the church in Sardis in Rev. 3, I understand these letters are to the believing church. In verse 2 “I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God”, and then in verse 5 talking about erasing your name from the book of life leaves me with a question as to these believes losing their salvation. Although I understand that Jesus has taken our sin away and we can not work or have “deeds” to receive that salvation, can you explain the deeds part and the fact that their names could be removed from the Book of Life.
Did Jesus Have A Belly Button?
Published: November 3, 2009We were kicking the thought around last night at Bible school about whether or not Jesus had a belly button or not. The theory is if His blood was mixed with Mary’s it would be tainted by sin and “not” perfect. So we were thinking He (Jesus) did not need a bellybutton what do you think. Sort of like Adam and Eve did not have them.
Was There A Woman Caught In Adultery?
Published: November 3, 2009In my copy of the NIV Bible, there is a footnote between John 7: 52 and John 7:53 that states, ” The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have John 7:53 – 8:11.” Of course that is one of the most cherished stories that illustrates the loving and forgiving character of Jesus in his defense of the woman caught in adultery while he skillfully exposes the self righteousness of the Pharisees. I have read a commentary that suggests the responsibility of the added passage rests on the shoulders of an ambitious scribe that wished to embellish (as if he needed to) the account of Jesus’ ministry. If this is true and the more reliable manuscripts do not include these verses, why then does it appear in modern copies of the Bible? It seems that the inclusion of this questionable passage might possibly raise an issue with the veracity of the rest of the Book of John.
More On Children In The Rapture
Published: November 1, 2009I’ve read in several of your answers that you believe all children under the age of accountability will be taken during the rapture,even the children of non Christian parents. And I think that is wonderful as the more that can escape the tribulation the better. My question is simply this, that if the children of the wicked were left to die with their parents during Noah’s flood and at Sodom/Gomorrah. Why would the children of non Christians be taken at the rapture? Is there scripture that leads you to believe this? Thank you for a magnificent and informative site, I admire your work and dedication very much.
Dinosaurs And Cavemen
Published: October 30, 2009My question is where are the Dinosaurs and Cavemen in the bible? There is physical proof that they existed on earth but there is no mention of them in the Bible.
Organizing A Small Church
Published: October 29, 2009I had written to you earlier this year about problems we were having in our church. Well things finally came to a head and with great pain in my heart, and after much prayer and consideration, I and several others left that church, including the associate pastor. We are now in the process of planting a new church and I would like your opinion on such a plant. Of course here in America you must be a corporation and have 501(c)(3) paperwork and join up with the Baptist Convention and all that good stuff. But my question is, “why?”
I understand from the standpoint of the practical, American, overly-litigious congregations of today how this came to be the norm, but I feel really weird about it. We do need organization just so everyone is on the same page, but is there some gigantic rule about this? Ours is a very small group–our pastor is not going to be paid–our primary focus is to feed and disciple each other so we can literally, physically go out into our community and try to reach the lost before the rapture happens. Spiritual Guerilla Warfare, if you will. I am afraid we will fall into the same over-organized, distractingly detailed trap we just left. I don’t want us to over-think ourselves and get so caught up in all this that we don’t have time left to accomplish our original mission. Help! And as always, thank you so much for your continued service–I am so grateful to God for you.