Wiping Away Our Tears
Published: January 15, 2009The Scriptures say that there will be no tears in Heaven. What will happen to our memories then? If someone I loved turned out not to be a believer and I knew they didn’t get to Heaven, I don’t think I could take it.
Israel Or Palestine?
Published: January 11, 2009The other day I was at work and talking to a co-worker and Israel came up about the war. He was saying that the Israelis were not being fair to the Palestinian people because it was not their land (country). He was saying to give the land back to the Palestine people. Could you put some clarity on this?
One Year Sooner?
Published: January 11, 2009I have enjoyed reading through your web site. I notice that you make several references to the second coming happening 70 years after the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Thus, by assuming our calendar year of 365 days, the second coming could happen in 2018 with a rapture in 2011. However, if you assume a 360 day year (a prophetic year), and calculate that 70 360 day years equals roughly 69 365 day years, then the second coming could actually occur in 2017 with a rapture sometime in 2010. Basically, a 360 day year would make everything happen a full year earlier than you suggest. Any comments?
Another Rapture Timing Question
Published: January 10, 2009First of all, I just want to commend you for your excellent Biblical responses. I have a question regarding the Rapture. I know none of us know the exact time of this event. You maintain that the Rapture will more than likely occur before the 7 year Tribulation. When I read 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-9, it almost seems that the Rapture will occur during the middle of the Tribulation when perhaps the Holy spirit is taken out of the way,and the man of lawlessness is revealed when he takes his seat in the Temple. Could you help me settle this dilemma ? Would the Holy Spirit possibly be taken out of the way( through us) before the Tribulation or during the middle of the Tribulation. Thanks for your response.
Israel And Turkey
Published: January 8, 2009You have said in your Ezekiel 38 studies that a critical sign of that battle’s nearness would be Turkey changing sides and abandoning its alliance with Israel. Is that starting to happen yet?
Our Last Election?
Published: January 8, 2009In a fairly recent article, you made a ‘heart-thumping’ prognostication regarding the rapture of the Church. Your comment- “Christians in America (may) have voted in their last presidential election.” Would you please expound upon why you think this could be the case?
The Gaza War And Prophecy
Published: January 7, 2009I’m curious and as always expecting the soon return of the Lord. If the current trouble in Israel and Gaza turns out to be something in any way prophetic, what in your opinion do you think we’d see and what might it be? It could still be one of the many wars that Jesus said would occur in the last days, right? Yet anything that relates to Israel must have some value in that regard. Also, it seems I read in the Word that Gaza once belonged to Judah. Is this correct?
Is The 70 Year Lifespan Obsolete?
Published: January 7, 2009I would like to respectfully suggest that the 70 to 80 year estimate of when all things have to come to pass before Jesus’ return is a bit low. In the article it is stated that “some of the ones born around the time Israel became a state will still be alive when all is fulfilled. If you consider modern geriatric medicine and what it has already done for life spans and what it promises in the near future it is possible that there could be some from that generation who will live to over 100 years. In fact 110 to 120 years is not beyond the realm of the possible considering advances that are being discovered almost on a daily basis. If that, or more, is true then we have until at least 2058 or 2068 before “all has to be fulfilled”. In other words, we could easily have from 50 to 60 more years for all of bible prophecy to play out as it pertains to end times events.
A Partial Rapture?
Published: January 7, 2009When recently listening to a popular prophecy preacher he stated that only those ready would be raptured. He further stated that if a Christian is behind in their tithe that they should borrow the money to get caught up because with the things he had heard at the recent prophecy conference in Dallas he and other prophecy preachers believed Christians that are “ready” would not see 2010. He and others I have heard state that only the overcomers will be raptured. How can we be saved by grace and nothing else but work to keep our salvation? Your thoughts on this would be helpful.
More In Store For Moab?
Published: January 6, 2009There has been a lot of talk about the Isaiah 17 scenario but I was wondering if the “Burden of Moab” in Isaiah 15:1,2 could not be included in the Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 war? I think the Moab area would be included in this conflict as well. Any comments or thoughts would be deeply appreciated.