Ask a Bible Teacher

First The Rapture, Then The Temple

Published: August 30, 2006

I have been wondering, after reading many of your articles, do you think that the temple could be built before the church is raptured?

The reason I ask this is because I have come to understand that Christ inhabits the temple … but He is already inhabiting us (the believers) could it be possible that He won’t inhabit the temple again until He raptures us?

The Timing Of Revelation 21-22

Published: August 30, 2006

In your commentary of Revelation chapter 21, you quoted Isaiah 65:20 by saying: “The vast oceans, silent witnesses to the enormity of Noah’s flood will be hoisted back into the outer atmosphere, restoring the water vapor canopy that protected early man and allowing the return of long life spans they experienced. (Isaiah 65:20)”.

The statement, ” allowing the return of long life spans they experienced”, in my opinion, based on Revelation 21: 4 which says, “…there shall be no more death…” is not quite correct. I believe Isaiah 65:20 is referring to the millennium period.

More On Javier Solana

Published: August 28, 2006

What is your opinion on Javier Solana and his 7 year covenant with many nations that he negotiated in 1995 and he wants to re-establish beginning in Jan. of 2007? Could it be the Treaty of Peace that Israel wants?

I understand that France,Germany and Britain are stopping this from happening but Mr. Solana insists that it will take place. I also understand that Pres. Bush and the international community has given Mr. Solana the green light to find a settlement concerning the Middle East.

This man seems to be everywhere negotiating.

Syria Before Iran?

Published: August 28, 2006

According to my understanding of scriptures, destruction of Damascus should precede Ezekiel 38 War. Since Ezekiel 38:5-6 does not mentioned anything about Syria. I believe destruction of Damascus will inevitably lead to Ezekiel 38 war. Appreciate receiving your comments.

Merry Christmas?

Published: August 25, 2006

I came across your web-site very recently, and I think it is not a mistake but for some purpose I came across you site. There are no accidents in the Kingdom of our Lord.

My question to you is on the subject of Christmas approaching very fast. I have been celebrating this event since I was a child and since “I was born again”, I came to know the Lord very closely. I personally feel that as a follower of Christ, we should stop celebrating this event which have been handed over to us from generation to generation.

I need to know your comments about this event. Whether we should celebrate or not? If we are to celebrate, why?

Your mails have been an immense blessings to me and many others. May the Almighty God bless your good work.

Are Messianic Jews Raptured?

Published: August 24, 2006

Will Messianic Jews be taken in the rapture along with Gentile believers or are they considered part of a different group?

Post Flood Migration

Published: August 23, 2006

I have 2 questions that I have been wondering about for some time and would like to know if you have any thoughts on the subject.

During the flood, God destroyed all human and animal life. I am assuming that the sea creatures were not destroyed. If not, why were they spared the judgment? My second question is after the flood civilization would have again started somewhere in the middle east and the people and animals would have migrated from there to fill the earth. The people and animals that inhabited North and South America presumably got here by crossing the bearing straight when it was frozen and migrated south. How did all of the tropical animals of the south American jungles such as the snakes, frogs, lizards etc migrate through all of the cold regions to reach that area. If the regions weren’t cold yet, How did they cross the Bearing Straight?

I have heard arguments that the global flood was global only to the extent that it killed all of the humans and animals associated with them, but that it didn’t kill the animals the God had placed in other locations on the planet, Then after the flood, humans would have been the only ones who needed to migrate throughout the earth. Any thoughts on this?

Us And Them

Published: August 21, 2006

You have often stated that the rapture is a number event as opposed to a timing event. I agree with you except for one nagging thought. People are born everyday and grow and learn everyday so people could be saved everyday and this could go on and on and on. Where is the cutoff? I hope my question makes sense. Any comments would be appreciated.

Phases Of The Rapture

Published: August 20, 2006

My question concerns the rapture. I have someone who is suggesting that the rapture could possibly occur in phases. By that he means some will be raptured and maybe a little while later some others and so on and so on until all that are going to be raptured are gone.

He has not given me any biblical reference on this theory just something he believes will happen. Any suggestions on how to tell him what will really happen with bible verses to back it up?

Cain’s Wife

Published: August 19, 2006

I have what is probably a silly question, however it has been on my mind on and off for quite some time. In Genesis Cain dwelt in the land of Nod. Cain also had a wife. Where did she come from and where did Nod come from?

I love your website and think it is an absolute blessing. Thank you so much.