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You searched for: Russia

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Revelation, Ezekiel 38, And The Rapture

Published: June 17, 2012 (Originally published: June 16, 2012)

I’ve always been taught that the judgments (of Revelation) happen one by one, after the rapture. But a few of the Bible Prophecy sites I read have given links to other theories that they don’t happen in any sort of order, and that they could happen 2 or 3 at a time kind of. I was wondering how do we know which this is? Also, there seems to be a very big debate on whether the Iran/Russia attack on Israel will happen before or after the Rapture. Anyway to know for sure which will happen first?

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The Birth Pangs Are Here!

Published: April 17, 2015 (Originally published: March 10, 2011)

When asked about signs of his return Jesus spoke of men being lovers of self, children not obeying their parents, earthquakes in diverse places, weather phenomenon and more. I see so much of that happening today, and now with the friendship between Iran and Russia, as well as the rise of Islam, (leading to Ezekiel 38-39) how would you compare Jesus’ words to what we see in society today?

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Peaceful And Unsuspecting?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 22, 2015)

I was reading Ezekiel 38 because I believe that this battle has been projected to start the 70th weeks of Daniel. I am particularly interested in Russia’s role in Ezekiel 38. But, what confuses me is in two places it says that Israel will be in peace when the armies of Ezekiel 38 swoop down on it. How can that ever happen until the Anti-Christ signs a treaty that supposedly will restrain ISIS and radical groups now attacking Israel? Is the peace referred to in Ezekiel 38 really peace as we think of it?

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A Likely Scenario

Published: September 12, 2006 (Originally published: September 12, 2006)

Ive been studying your entire site on everything you’ve written concerning Ezek 38 and 39, also Isaiah 17.

The last article concerning the Ezek 38 invasion you said a few things had to be in place before it could come about, like the Northern African nations and Turkey’s stand, also that Israel had to be dwelling safely (or carelessly, depending on the translation).

My question is, with regards to the current happenings with Israel, Syria, Lebanon, what would you say were the chances that we might see Isaiah 17 fulfilled first and very soon.. which in turn might put the last conditions in place to kick off Ezek 38?

After a possible nuclear situation between Israel and Damascus, might the UN and/or EU step in to make a peace-like situation? Not to mention if Israel takes Damascus out, those other Moslem nations Ezek named as well as Turkey would be more favorable to lining up against Israel? And if we the Church were Raptured around the time of this Isaiah 17 deal, that would effectively neutralize he US and pave the road for Russia and Iran to ‘think the evil thought’ as God said. Your thoughts?

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The Beginning Of The End?

Published: November 22, 2013 (Originally published: November 21, 2013)

With the downturn of the US economy, can we say that it’s a prelude to the rising power of the anti Christ movement? I remember you shared that when the US lost its control and influence over the world’s economy and started to abandon Israel, that is when Russia and Iran will attack Israel to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39. Then could the US economic downturn be the prelude for the anti Christ to rise to power and dominion?

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Our Economic Downfall

Published: August 7, 2006 (Originally published: August 7, 2006)

In your “Seven Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming” article, you say you believe that unless something happens to fracture Evangelicals as a voting block, we will keep America strong and independent until the Rapture.

Does that mean you don’t think America will suffer a financial collapse before the Rapture? Since end-time scriptures don’t mention America, and with our national finances in such a precarious position, I have wondered if a financial collapse (maybe sooner rather than later) could be the reason.

Thank you for using your God-given gift to bless us on a daily basis.

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Damascus Destroyed As A Pretext For War?

Published: July 6, 2007 (Originally published: July 6, 2007)

There’s so much going on in the Middle East and Syria is moving all important documents out of Damascus- which is interesting to me. I wonder if the destruction of Damascus will be a set-up. What I mean is this- right now so many countries are trying to pin any sort of confrontation on Israel before it even happens. Iran is trying to cover it’s moves by diverting attention anywhere but on itself. Russia doesn’t want the US to interfere with it’s plans to be better partners with dangerous countries. Syria says that it believes Israel is planning an attack on Damascus- and you know if it happens all fingers will be pointing at Israel. Then all the other mideast countries will be “fighting for/with” Syria against the “Zionists”… what if the attack were done by another country, but all the evidence was looked over because they want war? Is that Biblically possible or does the Bible make it clear how Damascus will be destroyed?

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More On Pres. Bush As Gog

Published: January 14, 2008 (Originally published: January 14, 2008)

If I may ask, what is your take on the Rabbis’ calling Bush “Gog”? Is their meaning political or spiritual? Do you think they concur with your belief that Gog is a supernatural being, or is their meaning only allegorical/political in that Bush is playing out a similar role? (I have never heard anyone else make that assertion about Gog.) If the former, are they implying that they believe Bush is possessed?

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How Close Is Ezekiel 38?

Published: March 8, 2009 (Originally published: March 7, 2009)

Hi, love your site, keep up the great work. I have a question concerning the Battle of Magog. Do you think that an Israel strike on Iran could “possibly” spark Magog? Since Iran is so close with Russia, a strike on Iran would most likely be killing Russians in addition to Iranians. This being said, with Netanyahu now in office, and a strike really could happen at anytime since Iran has nuclear capability, could we be closer to this than anyone thinks? Thanks for you input on this.

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The Timing Of Ezekiel 38

Published: August 10, 2014 (Originally published: March 2, 2009)

Some scholars preaches that the war of Gog and Magog is at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Others believe that it will start at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week. It says in the word of God that it takes seven months for the Jewish people to bury the dead and seven years for them to use the fuel left by those who attacked them. If the first view is correct and Ezekiel’s war does not start till the Great tribulation, then the seven years it takes to use the fuel left by Russia and others will over lap into the one thousand year millennium. I do not see that happening since it seems to differ with the word of God.

What are your thoughts ?