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You searched for: Russia

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Will Russia Destroy Syria?

Published: July 1, 2012 (Originally published: June 30, 2012)

In your opinion, could the destruction of Damascus come from Russia or Iran, and not Israel? After reading about Russia warning Syria to prepare for war, it does begin to seem highly likely doesn’t it?

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Russia’s Involvement In Ezekiel 38

Published: July 2, 2009 (Originally published: July 1, 2009)

In the upcoming battle of Gog/Magog is it possible that that majority of the direct Russian involvement in this battle is more by military advisors and Russian equipment (such as in Vietnam and the Korean war)? I don’t hear much about Russia hating or wanting the destruction of Israel but all the other countries or regions mentioned in Biblical Prophecy definitely hate the Jews. I know Syria and Lybia and some in Turkey get a great deal of Russian equipment and military weapons. Aside from that there doesn’t seem to be any incentive for Russia to attack, does there? Other than they can sell more weapons to some of those countries around Israel who wish to attack them.

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The Russian Motive In Ezekiel 38

Published: May 14, 2009 (Originally published: May 13, 2009)

I enjoyed the newest article, thanks.

You mentioned at the end of the article that “Israel has to come up with the treasure sufficient to motivate Russia’s participation”

Even before the first book in the Left Behind series about Chaim’s miracle formula I used to believe that Israel would make a huge discovery that would motivate Russia and the other countries to attack Israel, but I’m not so sure, obviously no one know for sure, but I am curious why you believe this? If you have a scripture that seems to indicate a “treasure” it would help, maybe I missed or forgot something.

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Is Russia In Ezekiel 38?

Published: June 21, 2012 (Originally published: June 20, 2012)

A Christian blogger has said that the joint exercise involving Syria, China, Russia and Iran can’t be leading to Ezekiel 38 because Russia and China are are not in Ezekiel’s prophecy. Is that correct? I always thought that at least Russia was part of it.

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Have You Come To Plunder?

Published: November 24, 2012 (Originally published: November 23, 2012)

Lately, in the news there is information about an enormous natural gas discovery containing trillions of cubic feet. Russia, through it’s Gazprom division has expressed a desire to develop the discovery. How does this relate to Ezekiel 38?

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The Russian Jews

Published: May 24, 2007 (Originally published: May 24, 2007)

It is true that ancient Scythians are the modern Russians, but by extension most modern “Jews” are also Scythians from Russia.

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Magog. Russia Or Turkey?

Published: September 23, 2013 (Originally published: September 23, 2013)

I’ve noticed that several teachers are now saying Russia might not be part of the Ezekiel 38 battle, but that Magog actually stands for Turkey. What do you think of that?

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Is All This True?

Published: December 14, 2007 (Originally published: December 14, 2007)

I read that Russian Pres. Putin has ordered Russian forces to a first strike alert status over the Kosovo situation. He has said that Russia will not permit the Serbian province of Kosovo to declare independence as the West intends. The article further states that America’s real goal is to prompt a war with Russia and not Iran. That plus the coming bird flu epidemic and collapse of the US economy will usher in the One World Government. Is all this true?

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Russia, Georgia, And Ezekiel 38

Published: August 13, 2008 (Originally published: August 13, 2008)

with the whole Russia/Georgia thing going on everyone on the Christian bulletin boards are saying Gog/Magog invasion is on the horizon (or here). What do you think? With Israel right in the middle, supplying Georgia weapons and telling Russia they will disable the S-300 system the Russians are sending to Iran, could one of these be the hook? Or does Israel have to bomb Iran to get such a reaction?

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Is Germany Changing Sides?

Published: October 1, 2008 (Originally published: September 30, 2008)

For years now I have always wondered how people could consider Gomer in Ezekiel 38 to be Germany. After all Germany was a Nato Allie and not a friend of Russia. Then I read a headline on Debkafiles that says “Russia, China, Germany reject US evidence of Iran’s covert nuke program “. Can we say the puzzle is coming together when two bitter enemies join together against the US?