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The Wrath Of God. Follow Up

Published: October 9, 2013 (Originally published: October 10, 2013)

Re: The Wrath Of God. I’ve just read the subject article and I have a question” At the end, under “What about us,” 1 Thess. 1:10 is cited, followed by this parentheses: (The Greek word translated “from” in this verse refers to both the time and place of the coming wrath, so we won’t be present when it happens and we won’t be present where it happens.) I assume Jack was referring to the word “from,” which Paul used three times in the verse. How did you determine that the preposition “from” refers to both the time and place of the coming wrath?

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A Question About The 144,000

Published: October 11, 2013 (Originally published: October 11, 2013)

Since the 144,000 from Rev. 7 are seen with the Lamb on Mount Zion in Rev. 14, having been redeemed FROM the earth at approximately mid point of Revelation, are the 144,000 slain at mid – trib ? Is the book of Revelation chronological, or does it skip forward and backward in time ?

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The Rapture And The Trumpet

Published: October 12, 2013 (Originally published: October 12, 2013)

The trumpet which will be sounded at the rapture, is it a trumpet sound like an instrument in a band or is it a shofar sound? Also when we hear the trumpet sound will non-believers hear something in the sky that is not a trumpet sound? Will it be like maybe thunder or something? When the trumpet does sound will those who are in Christ hear this even if they are sleeping? Some do sleep very soundly and don’t hear a thing. Thank you and God Bless You.

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Timing Of Ezekiel 38

Published: October 7, 2013 (Originally published: October 7, 2013)

How is it that you say the Ezekiel 38-39 war happens before the tribulation period? In Ezekiel 39:7 God says he is in the land of Israel after this war . The only time Jesus is in Israel physically is in the battle of Armageddon.

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What Will Happen To The USA?

Published: October 1, 2013 (Originally published: September 30, 2013)

After the rapture and during the Great Tribulation and Millennium, what will be happening here in the U.S? I am assuming the Jews left behind from the rapture will make their way to Israel once they see Israel win the Battle of Ezekiel 38 by God’s hand. With the economy failing , I wonder if some Jews in the U.S will even be able to afford to get over there, and then to flee when the abomination that causes desolation of the temple occurs. I wonder what becomes of nonbelievers (and non-Jews I should say) that live in the U.S. Some of them could possibly still attain salvation, correct? I understand that after the rapture and the church is gone, God is dealing with Israel only. I just don’t know where this leaves the United States of America , gentiles and Jews alike.

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Timing Of The Two Witnesses

Published: October 2, 2013 (Originally published: October 1, 2013)

In our Sunday morning Bible study we are looking at the two witnesses in Revelation and trying to figure out when they witnessed. Some of our group think that they’re here for the first 3 1/2 years, some the last 3 1/2 years, and I think that they’re in the middle, overlapping both the beginning and the end because God does things in 3s. So much happens both before and after the witnesses that I just can’t see how they fit anywhere else. Your input on the subject would be very appreciated. God has blessed you with an astuteness of the Bible and blessed us with the fact that you share what you know with us.

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Questioning The Placement Of Ezekiel’s Battle

Published: November 2, 2013 (Originally published: October 2, 2013)

Re: the Sequence of End Times Events. You have said that the Rapture comes first, then the Battle of Gog and Magog, then the 70th Week of Daniel, but why wouldn’t the 70th Week begin before the Battle of Gog and Magog and not after it? Couldn’t Gog and Magog come with the red horse in Rev. 6 after the anti-Christ has brought a false peace to Earth?

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Magog. Russia Or Turkey?

Published: September 23, 2013 (Originally published: September 23, 2013)

I’ve noticed that several teachers are now saying Russia might not be part of the Ezekiel 38 battle, but that Magog actually stands for Turkey. What do you think of that?

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Teaching Against The Rapture?

Published: September 23, 2013 (Originally published: September 24, 2013)

I would like to know what will become of those who call themselves Christians, but are teaching there is no rapture? There are many who hold this belief and also teach it. Personally, I believe there is a pre-trib rapture, and there is no lack of evidence for it throughout scripture. So why don’t these who teach no rapture see it? Will it affect their own opportunity to be raptured at the pre-tribulation rapture? Or will their lack of faith and understanding be treated as any other sin? Won’t they be held accountable for misleading others by their teaching?

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Resurrection Vs. Resuscitation

Published: September 23, 2013 (Originally published: September 24, 2013)

Do you make a distinction between someone who is merely brought back to life (and will die later) versus someone raised incorruptibly as in Jesus’ case and those who “put on immortality” as Paul said? Or were the others raised; in the Old Testament, during the apostles’ ministries, and when Christ rose, all of an immortal nature? And what would indicate that?