Ask a Bible Teacher

Will Mixed Motives Negate My Prayers?

Published: April 27, 2023

I have kidney and pancreas failure, and have been on dialysis for 2.5 years now. We have been praying for healing for years, even before it got to the dialysis stage. My prayer is that even if its only a month before the Rapture and that is all the time I have as a ‘well’ person, I still ask for it, partly because its horrible to be sick all the time, and partly because I think it would be a tremendous witness in the power of our Lord to go from having barely any kidney function, and no pancreatic function, to all of a sudden being as healthy as any healthy person is. I have been blessed beyond belief with my faith, my husband, and finances. But this decaying body is always hanging over my head, and its seems like each month we are here on this earth it gets worse and worse. I guess the question is, since my motives aren’t 100% please-heal-me-so-I-can-be-a-witness and honestly more geared towards wanting to be healthy even for a short time, will this negate my prayers?

Still More On Confessing Our Sins

Published: April 26, 2023

I firmly believe in confessing our sins to maintain a good fellowship with our Lord. I have heard some Preachers state that you have to name each sin you commit in order to get forgiveness for it. I have had a lot of birthdays and my memory is not very good at all. So I confess for God to forgive any and all sins that I have committed. I think He forgives me. Do you agree?

Salvation And Lordship

Published: April 26, 2023

Re: Lordship. You have said, “We’re saved because of what we believe not because of how we behave, so regardless of our behavior, once we’re His we’re always His.” Will not what we believe by definition affect how we live?

Passover Blessings?

Published: April 26, 2023

I understand from (a well known prosperity teacher’s) website that there are 7 blessings of Passover. Do you have any detailed article on this subject?

OK, I’m Saved. Now What? Follow Up

Published: April 25, 2023

Re: OK I’m Saved. Now What? If a person has accepted Jesus as their Lord/Savior and doesn’t believe their “works” save them, but still feels they have to be “good” to remain saved, is that person lost because they are adding “works” even though they don’t believe their “works” save them? I know believers, especially new believers, who would say they are saved through grace alone. However, they are scared and still feel like they have to be “good”. I want to know if those people are the same as the people who really do believe it is their “works” and Jesus who saves them.

Peter, Do You Love Me?

Published: April 25, 2023

I have a question about John 21:15-17. Jesus asks Peter two times, do you love (agapeo) Me? And Peter responds, Yes Lord, I love (phileo) You. The third time Jesus asks Peter do you love (phileo) Me, Peter responds, yes Lord, You know all things; You know that I love (phileo) You. So my question is why did Peter respond that he loved the Lord with phileo love? And why the third time Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him with phileo love not agapeo love?

Passover Cross

Published: April 25, 2023

I have a question about the Passover. I have heard it said that when the original Passover happened, the Jewish people actually made a cross in blood on their door for the angel to “pass over” their house to avoid death. If this was the case, wouldn’t this highly symbolic act be easily read today by the Jewish people as God working through prophecy and culminating through the Cross of Christ? Have you ever heard of the blood being applied as a cross? If so, I’m thinking what a marvelous way for the Lord to foreshadow His plan of redemption!

Where Is Mount Zion?

Published: April 24, 2023

In Revelation 14:1, it appears Jesus is on Mt. Zion with the 144,000. Wouldn’t this place this event at the Second Coming? If not, then exactly what appearing is this?

Advice On Reading The Bible And Praying

Published: April 24, 2023

I can recount the feeling I had after accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior as well as being Baptized. There are even seasons in my life where I feel closer to the Lord than I do at present. I am a fairly new believer, I know peers who read the Bible daily, who pray consistently, and generally are just shining beacons to those around them. I want to be like that but I just do not know how. Do I start somewhere in the Bible and just begin reading? When I pray, should I be asking something specifically here? I apologize for such questions but I appreciate your time in answering them!

Take Up Your Cross

Published: April 21, 2023

Have you ever done an article on what it means to pick up and carry your cross daily as the Lord commands us to do? I have not really understood what this means.