Ask a Bible Teacher

Satan In Heaven

Published: March 16, 2023

If God cannot abide in the presence of sin. How is it the book of Job describes Satan as coming with the angels who present themselves to the Lord?

Head Covering

Published: March 16, 2023

In 1st Corinthians 11, it says that a man dishonors his head when he covers his head while praying but a woman should be covered. I know it’s talking about submission to authority and headship, but I was thinking of the Jewish people. When the Jewish men pray, they have a yamakah (sp?) on their head, or perhaps even a tallit, but the women don’t. What was Paul meaning when he wrote this passage – specifically, should women be wearing some covering when they pray?

Blessing The Boys

Published: March 15, 2023

My dearest friend and I were discussing Genesis 48:13-22 last night. What is the significance of Israel giving Ephraim the blessing instead of Manasseh? We know it displeased Joseph, but we wonder if it had anything to do with Jacob himself because of his deception with Isaac and Esau. We would like to know what you can glean from these scriptures.

I know we can’t add to God’s word, but sometimes what is left unsaid leaves us wanting more info. Maybe that’s God’s purpose?

Thank you again for this site. I have been so blessed from your gift.

Who Wrote The Bible?

Published: March 15, 2023

Thanks again for your wonderful insight. You have helped many with their understanding of God’s Word. My question is: who are the human writers of the Bible and what books did they write?

Who Are The Overcomers?

Published: March 14, 2023

I was wondering what the words “he who overcomes” mean when Jesus was addressing the churches in Revelation. What does it mean in the original language? Some say it is one who is born again. Or, does it mean whoever overcomes the problem Jesus is addressing to that particular church?

Who of us is an overcomer? I am really trying to listen to the Holy Spirit as He nudges me but most of all I hold tight to the righteousness given to me by the Lord by accepting Christ’s gift of salvation.

Words That Save

Published: March 14, 2023

Is it right to ask Jesus to come into my heart or do I just confess Jesus as Lord and what He did on the cross? I was told it is wrong to ask Jesus to come into my heart, as a prayer of salvation and that it is not Biblical. Thank you

Pastors Under Attack

Published: March 14, 2023

Where in the Bible can I find answers to why so many ministers today are going through so many trials and roadblocks as they try to preach the Gospel and lead their churches? Isn’t there a verse that talks about the trials and testing we go through the closer our walk is with Christ?

Seeking His Kingdom And His Righteousness

Published: March 7, 2023

Could you explain in layman’s terms what it means to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. If you have already done study on this please tell me where to look.

Observing The Lords Supper

Published: March 2, 2023

I understand the meaning of the Lords Supper but should we, as christians, partake in the Lords Supper and if so how often.

When Did Jesus Become God’s Son?

Published: March 2, 2023

Was Jesus the son of God from the beginning ? I mean did he give up his place in heaven as the son of God to be born on earth through Mary as a man? Also what happens after the one thousand year rule on earth by Christ is over does Jesus offer up the kingdom to God so heaven and earth become one like in the Lord’s prayer?