Ask a Bible Teacher

Seeking His Kingdom And His Righteousness

Published: March 7, 2023

Could you explain in layman’s terms what it means to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. If you have already done study on this please tell me where to look.

Observing The Lords Supper

Published: March 2, 2023

I understand the meaning of the Lords Supper but should we, as christians, partake in the Lords Supper and if so how often.

When Did Jesus Become God’s Son?

Published: March 2, 2023

Was Jesus the son of God from the beginning ? I mean did he give up his place in heaven as the son of God to be born on earth through Mary as a man? Also what happens after the one thousand year rule on earth by Christ is over does Jesus offer up the kingdom to God so heaven and earth become one like in the Lord’s prayer?

King Solomon and The Queen Of Sheba

Published: March 2, 2023

I have a question about Solomon, I have read in several places that Solomon married the queen of Sheba but in the bible I can only find where she came to him to see if his fabled wisdom was true. Once she found out it was true the last I read of the queen of Sheba is that she returned to her land (1 kings 10:13). Am I missing something? Did Solomon marry the queen of Sheba? And where can I find that in the bible?

What Is Paradise?

Published: February 28, 2023

I have a question about the word “paradise.” I have read that it really means something different from “heaven.” Most people use the words interchangeably, so I’m wondering about the correct meaning. Also, is heaven then in three spheres? I have also read that but need some help comprehending it.

Who Founded Jerusalem?

Published: February 28, 2023

What people originally founded Jerusalem? When David conquered Jerusalem, who were the people that lived there and where are their descendants today? Were they the same people that founded it?

Is The New Testament Wrong?

Published: February 28, 2023

I have a friend who believes we have to follow the Torah to be saved. He says our Bibles are mistranslated and Christianity is a pagan religion. He says we are to follow the and observe the Law the way Christ did. Is he wrong or should I be following the Torah?

What Does Selah Mean?

Published: February 27, 2023

What is the meaning of the word “Selah” that appears in some of the Psalms in the KJV Bible and that you also use in your ministry? Thank you very much for your teachings and comments. They are very rewarding.

Consecration And Sanctification

Published: February 27, 2023

Please explain the difference between Consecration and Sanctification. It seems to me as they are closely related. I was saved when I was 12 but don’t think I understood consecration until much later.

Is Prayer Conditional?

Published: February 27, 2023

I was hoping you could clear something up for me. I have been reading a book that will remain nameless by a christian author who will also remain nameless. The book is about why God seems to ignore people in their time of need. I bought it because I don’t seem to be as close to God as I would like, and am afraid I’m doing something wrong. In a chapter of this book he speaks about prayer and how answered prayer is conditional on the following aspects of ones life: Repented sin, Obedience to Gods commands, Praying in Jesus’ Name, Praying in Faith, Praying according to God’s will, and the state of the nation. He even says that some who pray for salvation don’t receive it. What is your take on this? Would God turn away someone because he did not meet some criteria for prayer?