Ask a Bible Teacher

Four Beasts, Four Kingdoms

Published: February 14, 2023

In Daniel’s vision he saw in Daniel 7:2-3 the four beasts came up out of the sea. In Dan. 7:17 speaking of the same four beasts, says they arise out of the earth. What do you make of that?

Exile, Captivity, Or Servitude?

Published: February 14, 2023

I have seen the 70 years the Jews were in Babylon labeled as them being exiled, in captivity, and in servitude. Does it matter what it was called? Also there were a couple other times that they were also in similar predicaments. This is mixed up for me, can you sort out when, where and why they got themselves into trouble?

Where Was Mary Buried?

Published: February 13, 2023

First of all I just love your site. I visit it it everyday. It has helped me a lot. One question that I’ve been having a hard time with is where are the Virgin Mary’s remains? Some say that they can not be found because she was ascended into heaven. I just need to know what the Bible says, if anything about this view as well as your views.

When Does Isaiah 13 Happen?

Published: February 13, 2023

I would like to ask you about Isaiah 13:16. I am doing a study on the broad meaning of day of the Lord vs. the narrow meaning, when Jesus makes His final appearance, and I ran across this scripture regarding how children will be dashed to pieces in front of the parents eyes. I would love to believe ALL children will be raptured. I am guessing you believe these are children born during the seven year tribulation.


Wave Offering. Follow Up

Published: February 13, 2023

Am I right that those who were raised from the grave at the time of Jesus’ death like Lazarus were not raised to immortal bodies but would die again? If not, please explain.

More On The Wave Offering

Published: February 10, 2023

I had a friend ask me today what was the “wave offering”. I had to tell her that I have never heard of it. Would you please give me some insight on this topic. Appreciate your ministry in helping us to gain a greater knowledge of God’s Word.

Is “Prepping” Biblical?

Published: February 10, 2023

In Luke 22:36 the Lord told the disciples to prepare themselves for their upcoming life in ministry. Also, in Matthew 24: 15-25 Israel is warned how to respond to coming dangers at the Mid Tribulation point. What I have not been able to find is any reason for the church to stock up and prepare, beyond a reasonable amount, for difficult times we may endure before the rapture. Wouldn’t Jesus have warned us as well if this is the case? Am I just missing it or is “prepping” actually a lack of faith in the Lord’s ability to protect and provide for his children?

The Bema Seat Judgment

Published: February 9, 2023

I read gracethrufaith all the time, and I have a question re: the church’s judgment where we receive our rewards etc. I think someone called it the bema seat judgment or something like that. Do you know about that? Where can I find reference to it in the Bible?

Is My Daughter Still Saved?

Published: February 9, 2023

After reading your answers on the age of accountability being around 13 (or puberty) I can logically agree with that. My question is; what if a child accepts Christ prior to the age of accountability. For instance my daughter accepted Christ and was baptized by her own choice around 8 years of age. She is an adult now and does not believe Jesus is the only way to heaven and she is also a lesbian. Does once saved always saved apply to her?

What Was Jesus Warning Them About?

Published: February 9, 2023

In Matt; 24:15 Jesus warned those in Judea to flee into the wilderness when they see the Abomination of Desolation. This will be in the middle of the 70th Week and begins the Great Tribulation. Two questions come to mind regarding this urgency. Why just those in Judea and what are they fleeing from?