Is Jesus Christ A Man In Heaven?
Published: January 6, 2023I thank God for the revelation he has given you concerning His Word. I have a question.
Is Jesus Christ man in heaven?
One Daniel Or Two?
Published: January 4, 2023I bought a book on the dead sea scrolls back in the 60s but now with the internet, there is a wealth of research and knowledge at hand to explore.
My question, which was raised once again during my searching this information on the internet was a professor who teaches Israeli history and Judaism. He mentioned that the book of Daniel was written by two authors. I had read this a number of times in the past but figured you could give a good answer. One the original Daniel and one who wrote in the name of Daniel after the time the original Daniel’s prophecies were fulfilled putting the writing in the silent years and thus taking away the prophetic significance of the book. What other proofs do we have that the book is written by “our” Daniel only? I am listening to your mp3’s on “God’s Word Fact or Fiction” as I type. Thank you so much for your scholarship and dedication to the purity of God’s Word”. I am looking forward to someday meeting you as we learn from the Master all the questions that come up during our growing in God’s Word.
Family Problems
Published: January 4, 2023I was raised Catholic and my mother controlled the family using her mental well being as a means to do and say things that hurt, but we were told not to cause her to be upset or she would go into a mental institution and we would be responsible.
My mother has and still does divide families. She divided me and my father, me and my brother for many years until we understood what was going on and then she divided our children and now it is the grandchildren.
Nine years ago I became a born-again believer. I have four adult children now. Some of them know the Lord and one is Catholic. She knew my feeling on Catholicism before she married into the faith. She’s the child my mother picked as her favorite. Well now they have become very close and it is obvious that my parents do not feel the same with any others in the family.
My daughter also has the personality that resembles my mother’s. Temper tantrums etc. I have very little if any relationship with her. I am invited to her children’s birthday parties but when I arrive at her house she doesn’t talk to me. At one point she wrote me a letter and told me she gets sick to her stomach when she sees me. I shared my faith with her when I got saved nine years ago and she got very upset because I did not believe as the Catholics do this seems to be the reason she gives for being angry. She said I can have a relationship with the children but not with her and she is standing by that but it is getting more and more difficult to go to her home when invited for a child’s birthday party and be ignored. My parents do this to me too. When they are angry over things they don’t like they do not even respond to me when I say hello. They tell me they do not like my husband and my other children.
Am I wrong for not being able to take this anymore? I am 55 years old and have always been there for them unconditionally but the love is never returned. I am constantly consumed with the anguish and pain of this relationship. They refuse to try to work in harmony with the rest of the family and blame those of us who really try to be loving. I have prayed about it but still have not found peace. I do think it might be time to remove myself from the situation.
Am I Married In The Lord’s Sight?
Published: January 4, 2023I came back to our Lord Jesus over 12 years ago. I tried my hardest to walk in the same path as the Jesus, but we all falter. I got married when I was in the service and we both commited adultery. I forgave her and wanted to remain married because I never stopped loving her. I loved her from the beginning and through all the hard times. I believed in marriage, but because of the problems we were having I found myself slipping away to temptation and seeking affection elsewhere. Now we are going through a divorce because she requested it. I never wanted divorce and always felt once we have made vows to each other we should always try our hardest to keep them. I didn’t want the divorce , but I know we both were at fault for it. We are still going through the divorce proceeding and legally we are still married.
Now 2 years later I have fallen in love with another woman and I am unable to marry her legally until my divorce is final. I have convinced myself that we are married in the eyes of the Lord because I have committed myself to her and she has commited herself to me.
Is Marriage a ceremony which has to be performed in order for God to accept it? I prayed to the Lord many times about my situation and I am unsure what to do. We both are actively seeking Gods wonderful word and I’m hoping she will become spiritually up lifted as I am. We both are Christians, which was more than my last marriage was. My ex wasn’t thirsting for God’s word as much as I was and I feel that also was a reason our marriage falling apart. I still Love my ex but it’s impossible to reconcile if only one is willing to do so. So I learned to except it and move on with my life. Am I living in sin? Or does the will the Lord accept it because it’s what matters in his eyes and not based on a ceremony?
Translation Differences
Published: January 3, 2023Let me just say that I love your site. I am a repeat visitor and your last response to my question helped out a lot and I appreciate it.
My new question is this, why in certain Bible versions (i.e. NIV, KJV, etc) is there a footnote with a reference that a particular word is written or phrased differently in other manuscripts? Like for example in the NIV version there is a footnote for John 1:18, that reads: Some manuscripts but the only (or only begotten) Son. Why is this so, I thought all the Bible manuscripts where all the same just translated into English, various languages and versions. Can you please explain this?
My Sister, My Wife
Published: January 3, 2023My husband and I made a new years resolution to read the bible together every day. We started with Genesis and we were wondering why Abraham kept denying that Sarah was his wife. I read a little bit further and Isaac denied that Rebekah was his wife. We were wondering why they would do this and thought maybe you could offer us some insight.
Should We Consume Alcohol Or Not?
Published: January 3, 2023My question is on Alcohol. I get really confused on whether we should consume alcohol or not. I know drunkenness is a no no and is not an issue for me, but I do like a beer every now and then. Should I feel guilty about doing this?
Also if you could explain the wine/new wine issue. I’ve heard some preachers say it was grape juice, but isn’t there a verse that says don’t get drunk on new wine? Great site by the way.
Mary And Elizabeth
Published: January 2, 2023You have said Mary and Elizabeth were cousins, which normally suggests common grandparents. How could this be if Mary was of the tribe of Judah and Elizabeth was a Levite? Also Elizabeth was so very much older than Mary.
The Age Of My Unborn Child
Published: January 2, 2023I had a miscariage at 6 and 1/2 months. I did a Cleansing streams course at my church and the two ladies who ran this course were praying for me. I told them about my baby, one of the ladies told me that she saw a girl of about two years old standing next to me, looking at me and smiling, she described my granddaughter to a tee except my granddaughter has blue eyes and my baby had green. They told me that she watches me. Could you please try and help me discern how my baby would be two years old. I have no doubt she is with Jesus and I am grateful that she is safe, happy and with Him away from this troubled world. Although a cuddle would be great, but I’ll wait for that until I go home. Thank you and God bless you for this site. I have often asked this question of others, but no one can give me an answer.
The Free Grace Movement
Published: December 30, 2022I’ve recently had a discussion about sin and sin nature with fellow Christians. We disagreed on some issues, which is not all that unusual, but afterwards they defined some of my beliefs as those of the Free Grace Movement. Then they warned me this was dangerous. My understanding of this topic is somewhat limited and I wondered what you thought about Free Grace?