Ask a Bible Teacher

The Little Horn Of Daniel 7

Published: October 28, 2022

My question concerns Daniel 7:20,24. The 11th horn, the little one, is smaller and less powerful but grows and overthrows 3 other rulers. Does this mean that if we are in the end times, and if the antichrist is already existing albeit unannounced, that there is a small and obscure leader already ruling somewhere? Someone who will gain momentum and strength and come against 3 other more obvious rulers? Also, are the 3 horns that are overthrown referring to countries or religious systems?


The Mosaic Law Or A New Law?

Published: October 28, 2022

I recently had a friend ask me, “If the Jews rebuild a temple and offer sacrifices again at some point in the last 7 years, what Law is it that they will be observing? Will it be a return to their Mosaic Law, or will there be a ‘new law’ imposed by the anti-Christ that allows them to worship and sacrifice in this way?” I could not answer and told her I would ask you!

Why Does God Allow This?

Published: October 28, 2022

Why does God allow different religions and allow people to be deceived by them when there is only the one way to God , and that is through Jesus ? If you are born and indoctrinated into a false religion it would be very hard to know the truth and accordingly they would not get the opportunity to receive salvation, which seems unfair.

What About Our Marriage?

Published: October 27, 2022

From what I have learned and read from the Bible, marriage is very important to God. If so, will there be any relationship between my husband and me in heaven? We have been very happily married for 15 years. It distresses me to think that our relationship will be one where we are just good friends/ brother and sister in heaven. I am sure we will still love each other, but what about our marriage?

Grace Alone Or Grace Plus Works?

Published: October 27, 2022

What if you believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone but something or someone (like Satan) keeps putting the thought in your mind that you need to do more? In other words you know what you believe but you wrestle with grace plus works. How does someone that was raised believing you had to do good works change their heart to believe that its grace alone? I know what I believe now but I still struggle.

Can We Enter The Kingdom But Not Inherit It?

Published: October 27, 2022

Lately, I am hearing more and more about entering the Kingdom vs. inheriting the Kingdom. It’s being said that all Christians will enter the Kingdom, but not all Christians will inherit the Kingdom. The reason given is that many people get saved and do nothing for the Lord, while others give all to the Lord. Based on the enter/inherit idea, how do we know if we’re just entering the Kingdom, or are we also inheriting the Kingdom?

Jesus, The Only Way

Published: October 26, 2022

The Jewish people offered animal sacrifices (through the priests) at the Temple, to ‘cover’ or put aside their sins. If the the majority of the Jews rejected Jesus, and the last Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, how have the Jews atoned for their sins since then?


Teach Your Children Well

Published: October 26, 2022

My 6-year-old grandson is fascinated by the TV and movie heroes. Every chance I get, I tell him that Jesus is our King and that He is the strongest of all. We also regularly pray together before bedtime and meals and he loves to pray. He knows we go to heaven when we die and that one day Jesus is coming to fetch us. My son feels that my grandson is too small to learn about Jesus dying for our sins as it entails explaining innocent blood sacrifice to him and I have to agree. I know children are automatically saved before the age of accountability, but would you kindly please give me your thoughts on how to go about preparing my little grandson’s heart to understand God’s salvation plan.

Getting The Fire Back

Published: October 26, 2022

I got saved at 28 in the midst of deep depression. I was on fire for many years, and most recently I have shut down. I know it has to do with disappointments in my life, and also living alone forever and not wanting to. I feel stuck and can’t seem to get back to where I was with the Lord. I want to, but feel misplaced. I’m not as faithful about going to church, and that bothers me as well. I don’t know what to do to get back in the fold. I know He never leaves us, but we leave Him. What can I do to get back on fire?

Where Does Our Sin Originate? More Follow Up

Published: October 25, 2022

Don’t forget what Paul also said. “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” Ephesians 4: 26 (KJV) Paul says we can be angry and not sin. He also says to take care of it before the day ends.