Ask a Bible Teacher

Understanding Deut. 11:18-20

Published: August 26, 2022

What is the meaning of Deuteronomy 11:18-20? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Noah’s Wife

Published: August 26, 2022

Some time back I was watching (a well-known televangelist) and I thought he said that Noah was married to Enoch’s daughter. The bible says that Noah was Enoch’s grandson, but then again Noah could have been married to a half-sister like Abraham. Anyway I can’t find anything on her. Is it possibly in the genealogy somewhere?

Feeding The Multitudes

Published: August 26, 2022

Both times when Jesus fed the multitudes, there were different numbers and differing amounts in the leftover baskets. Do you see any significance, or is there a teaching, on these numbers, both of the size of the crowds and the leftover baskets full? I would be interested in seeing what you have thought about this. Thanks

Help Me Get My Son Back

Published: August 25, 2022

I am a daily reader of your site and I feel blessed every time I visit. My son accepted Jesus as his Savior after a very rough life of drugs, alcohol and an absent father. I have prayed for him for years that God would rescue him.

God sent some very close family members to talk to my son knowing that these people were the only ones he would listen to. After spending a weekend with them he gave his life over to Jesus and I had never seen him so happy in my life.

He and his wife had a miscarriage with their second child and I slowly watched the joy and the light go out in his eyes. He is returning to his old ways of drinking and drugs and I cannot reach him. He says he cannot pray and I believe Satan is getting a stronger hold on him as each day passes.

Are there any passages you could suggest to me that I could persuade him to read that would bring him back before he is gone completely? I have been praying for him so much and have tried to talk to him but with not much success. It is breaking my heart to see him becoming empty inside again.

Thank you for your fantastic knowledge that helps so many.

Do All Saints Rule With Christ?

Published: August 25, 2022

In Revelation 6:9, John saw souls under the alter that were slain for the word of God and the testimony which they held. They were given white robes and told to rest until the remainder of their fellow martyrs were killed. In 7:14-15, more white robed people who have come out of the Tribulation are seen by John. They will serve Him in His temple, and live with Christ. Then, in Revelation 19:8, the Bride of Christ are arrayed in fine linen entering the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

My question, in Revelation 20:4, I understand it to mean that only the martyrs of Christ will reign with Him one-thousand years. Will all saints reign and rule with Him, or only the martyred saints from the Tribulation period?


Forgiving A Brother

Published: August 25, 2022

What do you think Jesus means in Matthew 6:14-15, when He says that if you will not forgive your brother then neither will your sins be forgiven?


Death Through Sin

Published: August 24, 2022

Are we to assume that no animal was killed before the fall of the mankind or the concept of death by sin could only be applicable to humans?

I always believed that the first death was the death of the animals that God killed in the Garden of Eden in place of Adam and Eve and used the skin to cover their bodies. The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). Is that correct?

What about bugs? I find this hard to believe that Adam or Eve didn’t accidentally step on one during their time in Paradise.

Dos And Don’ts For The Kingdom

Published: August 24, 2022

Thank you for the advice on your site it has been a blessing to me and have helped me through a lot of difficult patches in my life.

I read Galatians 5:19 – 24 that states that if you do any of these things you will not see the Kingdom of God. That is frightening as I struggle to not to do these things. Even if it is only in the mind as Jesus has stated.

If we are saved by Grace thru Faith, why would the Holy Spirit through Paul make the statement In Galatians? It seems to contradict as I know of no honest person that does not struggle in one of these areas. I for one loose my temper from time to time. Help please. Please help.

How Big Was The Stone?

Published: August 24, 2022

Today I was reading in Mark 15 and 16 and came across an interesting situation. In 15:46 it mentions the rigamaroll that Josepth of Arimathea went thru in preparation for the burial of Jesus, finishing off with the statement “…and rolled a large stone in front of the sepulchre”.

Okay. Then in 16:3 it mentions when the two Marys are on the way to the tomb and it is mentioned “who will move the stone for it was very great”

Question. How big was that stone?

The Only Way To Salvation

Published: August 23, 2022

Since the only way to eternal life is through Christ, how is it possible for the Old Testament saints and adopted foreigners to be saved since they have already died? Did Christ preach the gospel to them during the time He physically died, and from there take the souls to heaven? If that’s the case, will they never get to experience the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises for the nation of Israel (eg. The Millennium).

If Christ preached the gospel to even the souls in Hades, how does it bode for those who are in the other side of Hades…that is, the side of Torments? Even if they heard it and believed the gospel (which I’m thinking they most desperately would believe now) they wouldn’t get the opportunity to choose anymore. So how could one side (Paradise) get the opportunity to hear the gospel and choose, while the other (Torments) had to listen and despair?