Ask a Bible Teacher

Lost Tribes In Africa?

Published: November 26, 2021

Re: Does He Want To Be Saved. So if a lost tribe in Africa has never heard the Gospel you are saying they get a pass on God’s judgment? My 2 sons have always been tripped up by this very question and I have never heard it answered this way.

Does He Want To Be Saved Or Not?

Published: November 26, 2021

I have zero doubt Jesus died on the cross for MY sins- personally for ME. He is my Savior and for me that is unshakable. I had a discussion with a good friend, who is a good and compassionate person but does NOT believe Jesus died for him. He believes we should live as Jesus preached, but he does not buy the fact that Jesus died for us. His reasoning, which was impossible for me to refute, is the untold millions of people that have never had the opportunity to hear the name of Jesus–if an undiscovered tribe of people in some far off land has never heard the name Jesus, is that whole tribe doomed to hell? How do I answer this question?

Tithing: Gratitude Or Greed?

Published: November 25, 2021

My biggest struggle with tithing is that at the very last moment when I go to hit the ‘pay’ button, I am flooded with thoughts of the blessings that could return to me. Guilt follows immediately, because my heart is no longer in the correct place for giving with an attitude of gratitude – it has now become an attitude of greed. I end up not paying anything in an effort not to be caught in giving with a greedy heart. I have set up automatic tithing payments to causes that I truly believe have God at their focus, but I wonder if it’s okay to tithe through automatic payments each month, or have I just replaced one sinful attitude (greed) with another (a separation from the tithe where I feel nothing). Can you help?

Neither Jew Nor Gentile

Published: November 25, 2021

I read much of your material on the 12 tribes of Jews. Some of us have Jewish blood which we were not aware of. Some were raised Christian and yet have discovered Jewish ancestors. Some of these ancestors may have come from the original 12 tribes and some may have been converts. I am pretty sure I am one of these, way way back. So many of us are “partly Jewish” even though we are fully Christian.

And my half-Jewish husband, who was also “born again”, is part of the Church already in Heaven, even though he knew positively of his Jewish roots and even of which tribes his ancestors came from (Judah and Levi). I would assume that he is not among the “tribes of Israel” who will be identified in the last days?

Isaiah’s Death

Published: November 25, 2021

Re: your comment. “The Jews stretched Isaiah between two horses and sawed him in half.” I just read this and was curious how you found this out. Is it mentioned in the Bible? If yes then could you please send me the bible verse?

How Can He Say He’s God?

Published: November 24, 2021

My question is, how can the anti-Christ possibly be a muslim when it says the anti-Christ will proclaim himself to be god in the temple? no muslim would ever say he is god, because in their religion that would be blasphemy. please explain.

Treasure In Heaven, Follow Up

Published: November 24, 2021

I wanted to ask you a follow-up question regarding treasures in Heaven. What does the Bible say these treasures are, and why do we need them? If our works are like “dirty rags” at the the feet of the Lord, and our salvation is based only on our acceptance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a sin atonement, then how can we store up treasure? Wouldn’t that actually give rise to the sin of jealously if one individual has more than another?

I would think that being in Heaven and having the opportunity to commune with God in the way He intended would be enough to satisfy any Christian, so again, why do we need treasures and the belief that we can have greater favor with God through our actions here on earth? Wouldn’t we be better off just giving to the poor and helping those in need because it’s the right thing to do as a Christian versus doing it because we expect a sort of heavenly pay-back?

Generosity Or Greed?

Published: November 23, 2021

I believe in the word of God as written in the Bible. However, there are situations I found myself that when I pray in accordance with the scripture, I do not receive an answer. In Malachi 3:10, the prophet speaking the mind of God wrote that the windows of heaven will open and blessing poured out I have been tithing and I am yet to receive an increase. Kindly advise me on what could be wrong

Belief vs. Behavior

Published: November 23, 2021

I know someone who is a very nice person and very generous, but he sleeps around and seemingly has no qualms about it. I mentioned being “born again,” and he said that he received the Lord at a young age and that he knows God will take him up in the rapture. How does this compute in God’s eyes?

Could Adam Read And Write?

Published: November 22, 2021

I think you mentioned in one of your articles that there is evidence that Adam could read and write and that possibly he even wrote books that Moses read and used to write the first five books of the Bible. I would love to know the evidences for this. What do we have that shows both Adam’s ability to read and to write, and what evidences are there also for his writings influencing Moses? Thanks as usual for your wisdom and heart. I read your emails daily.