Evidence Of Salvation
Published: February 25, 2022The Bible says that if we are saved then we will show good works. So what are good works? Is it not sinning, or is it helping an old lady across the road? And if it is helping an old lady across the road well, I’m going to say that unsaved people do that!!
The Fig Tree In The Vineyard
Published: February 25, 2022Thank you for this ministry. I have grown in my faith and understanding from reading your articles. I was reading Luke 13:6-9 and I realized I had never read about (or heard discussed/preached about) the meaning of this parable. I recognize the man who owned the vineyard was God, and the visiting the tree over three years’ time was Christ’s ministry on Earth, but I wondered who might the vine dresser of the vineyard be? Also, when the vine dresser asks to be allowed to “dig around it and fertilize it,” what does that infer? I notice there’s no time period mentioned for waiting to see if this action produces fruit before the decision is made to cut the tree down. Is that a reference to the Church Age?
Did God Put Joseph Into Bad Situations?
Published: February 24, 2022I heard from my pastor years ago when he preached on the story of Joseph that God put him in bad (difficult) situations and says God will sometimes put us in bad situations. I have read Q&A on your website and you state that God does not put us in bad situations. In the story of Joseph, I believe he was hurt badly and deeply though God was not the cause of his problems nor did He put him in situations like that. But I believe He allowed him to be sold into slavery and put into prison and God used his bad situations and turned them around for his good (Romans 8:28). Do you think God put Joseph in these situations or allowed these bad things to happen to him?
Where Will We Go After Meeting Him In The Air?
Published: February 24, 2022When we are raptured, where will we land, after meeting Jesus in the air? Heaven? The New Jerusalem? Neither?
A Family Member Won’t Forgive Me
Published: February 24, 2022Years ago, before I was a Christian, I hurt a family member. Since I came to faith in Jesus, I have repeatedly asked for forgiveness. The person refuses to forgive me, and has basically disowned me. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness for my past many times. But this person continues to express hatred toward me. This has caused great anguish, and I ask you, how do I reconcile this burden? The family member is not a Christian.
Why Did Paul Persecute Christians?
Published: February 23, 2022In Acts 8 : 3 we see Saul persecuting believers in Christ and sending them to prison. What legal authority did he have to do this? What is the main reason why he did this ?
Do The Angels Like Us?
Published: February 23, 2022I was listening to a radio program the other night and a non-religious commentator made a statement that the angels murmured against God when God made man and he was not talking only about the fallen angels. He also made the comment that the angels do not really like us that much. I have searched the Scriptures and I can not find anything to support this view.
Is 144,000 A Symbolic Number?
Published: February 23, 2022I would like to ask if it is possible that the number 144,000 is a symbolic number fullness? It seems to me that in Revelation 7:4 is the symbolic figure of all Israel, and in Revelation 14:3 is a symbolic number fullness of the Gentiles.
Is Drinking Coffee Or Soda Sinful?
Published: February 22, 2022I’ve heard countless arguments from various Christians about not consuming alcohol. And, while I totally understand Christians choosing not to drink alcohol at all, the only verses in the Bible I can find regarding alcohol, is the sin of drunkenness. This, personally, isn’t an issue for me because I don’t drink alcohol at all. But, then there are those certain religious groups who say that even the consumption of caffeine (soda and coffee) is sinful.
Their argument is that we shouldn’t be putting anything into our bodies that alters our state of mind/being. Because our body is a temple, it should be left as pure as possible by avoiding caffeine and alcohol altogether. I don’t really agree with this, because I’m thinking this is more of a man made rule and not anything they’ve pulled from the Scriptures. When I try to tell these Christians that the only sin is drunkenness (as mentioned in the Bible), they’re adamant about the consumption of any of these drinks is sinful and we should stay away. Should I consider donating my coffee maker, or are these Christians placing their own meaning on certain scriptures?
Saved But Not Born Again?
Published: February 22, 2022I was reading one of your articles and you indicated that Christians who believe they will be saved have to be Born Again. I was under the impression that all Christians who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved. But it seems the article indicated that Christians can be Christian in name only. Does this mean that they will not have eternal life.? My understanding, in the article, they will be left behind at the Rapture. I am a Catholic, from a child on and believe the Lord Jesus died for our sins. I have since been Born Again, but would I have been saved without coming to the Born Again status?