Righteousness, Past, Present, And Future
Published: October 25, 2024I am so blessed by your teachings. Thank you so much. I have a question regarding the gift of righteousness. You said that tribulation believers will have to maintain their own righteousness in order to be accepted in the kingdom of God. I wonder what they will believe at that time. Is it the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross or just Jesus is the Messiah ? Did the finished work of Jesus at the cross already include the gift of righteousness? How come they have to maintain their own righteousness if they believe the cross ?
Becoming Sons Of God
Published: October 25, 2024How do people become sons of God? I know the Bible says in Romans 8 that it is by grace through faith we are sons of God, but Jesus said in Matthew 5 that we may be sons of God if we love our enemies. Can you help me sort out this confusion?
More On Babylon And America
Published: October 24, 2024The United states is not mentioned in the bible by name. One verse has really caught my attention. I don’t know where this verse is in the bible but I do know it says. It says, the great Babylon has fallen, has fallen. Now I know when it is repeated twice that means it will happen twice. However the first Babylon has fallen and wont get back up. Could it be (by the way it is described in the bible) that America could possibly be the great Babylon?
A Race To The Finish?
Published: October 24, 2024Re: OSAS And 1 Tim. 4:1 I believe that one can backslide and be lost like Judas if they don’t continue in the faith . Remember, this is a race and those that endure till the end will be saved. Judas was written in the book of life but was blotted out, whereas Peter backslid then repented was restored and found salvation through the new birth. Read Luke 10:17-20. Matthew 26: 69-75 and 2Tim.4:6-9. And what of all those we know that have left their faith and no longer serve Christ but live ungodly lives but still believe in Christ are they still saved?
The Gospel Of The Kingdom. Follow Up
Published: October 23, 2024As I began this feature article, I couldn’t help but wonder this: If Israel had accepted Jesus as their Messiah, would Jesus have remained there as their King forever? Also, would He have conquered Israel’s enemies at the time in order to keep peace in the known world?
Being Courteous Or Worshiping?
Published: October 23, 2024What do you think about Christians who remove their shoes while visiting a mosque or some such place when on holiday, or as you call it, vacation?
Is She Committing Suicide?
Published: October 23, 2024In the news recently a woman who was paralyzed went to court and won the “right to die” by having her breathing tube removed. Her parents think that if she does that she is committing suicide and won’t go to heaven. Question is, if she or any one can not live without the help of machines, would it be considered suicide if she had the tubes removed, or would it be considered a natural death?
How Do We Know It Was A Sin Offering?
Published: October 22, 2024I’m reading your response regarding Cain and Abel’s offering on your site. You mentioned that no matter whether Cain would have brought the best of his produce or not his offering was not going to be acceptable to God because sin offering required the shedding of innocent blood. I want to know where in Genesis 4 does it tell that they were doing a SIN offering? Secondly, how do we know that the lamb that Abel offered was without blemish?
Can I Un-Save Myself?
Published: October 22, 2024I am a born-again Christian. I know this. But a while back ( and even now occasionally) I had serious doubts. There was a point where I was devoid of faith and it seemed like all was lost. I wanted to believe, but I just couldn’t. I read the bible, and it would help, but then I’d get a sense of hopelessness and belief would become impossible again. It came to a point where I asked for signs that He was real and He delivered in the form of an unknown call on my phone shortly after I had asked. then, a text saying Jesus never fails, and finally, out of the blue a friend texted me cause she felt like something was wrong. I’ve read that once you were saved nothing could change it, but what about you? What if you decide that you don’t believe anymore? Can you come back? The prodigal son explains that the son comes to his senses and begs his father but the son never forgot the father.
Judging Others
Published: October 22, 2024A staunch, very conservative Christian I know posts articles and makes derogatory comments on Facebook about things like she thinks is sinful. I do not agree with some of these issues either but I do not think it is my place to judge in that manner. Is this how Christians should act? If not, what should they do if they have these strong viewpoints?