Can People Die More Than Once?
Published: January 24, 2015I have a question about man only dying once. There are many who have died and been brought back to life. Even Jesus brought people who where dead back to life, so wouldn’t they have to die again? Which would mean they died more than once, wouldn’t it? How does that square with Hebrews 9:27
Understanding Rev. 20-22
Published: January 24, 2015Please help me understand the following. You state that only the Church Age Saints will live in the New Jerusalem during the Millennium. And that the Church Age Saints will be able to go back and forth between the New Jerusalem and earth. What scripture supports that those Saints will be able to go back and forth? Is the New Heaven and New Earth created after the Millennium? Also, when the New Heavens and New Earth are created will the Church Age Saints still reside in the New Jerusalem or will they live on the New Earth? Does scripture give insight what they will be doing (work, play, create, govern etc.) with regard to the New Heavens and New Earth? Thank you for any clarification on the above.
Israeli Jews And The Temple
Published: January 24, 2015There’s more in the news than there used to be about building the Temple, even though religious Jews have been wanting this for a long time. Why is this? Is it another sign of the times?
Who Is The Bride?
Published: January 24, 2015I’ve recently heard a well known teacher who claimed that at the rapture some of us will become the bride to reign with the Lord, while others will either be consigned to the outer darkness or to Gehenna. Do you believe that the entire church is the Bride or just those who endeavored to mature and press in to God? Will you sight scripture please?
Did Jesus Die To Save Angels?
Published: January 24, 2015In John 14:6 Jesus said no one can come to the Father but through Him. In Acts 4:12 Peter said that Jesus is the only way for man to be saved. My question is about the spirit world. Since Jesus came through the lineage of man does that mean that only a human being can be saved thru Him? We know that the demons believe who God is, but if they were to ask for forgiveness for their rebellion against God, could they also be saved through Jesus?
Is A Generation 100 Years Or 70?
Published: January 23, 2015I recently stumbled upon your website and it has changed my life. I know ppl throw around that phrase a lot, but I am growing so much closer to God. Just realizing that my salvation cannot be stolen has changed a lot because I have lived in fear of loosing it. But I have also learned so much about the church and of course Revelation, from reading your articles, it made Revelation as clear as a bell!
There is still a lot more for me to sift through, but I was wondering why you concluded that a generation is 70 years and not 100. Referring to the prophecy of Israel (the fig tree) blooming, I was just wondering why you came to that conclusion, because if it is 70-80 years, as you well know, the rapture could be literally, at the door. If a generation is 100 years that would make a big difference.
The Right Hand Of God
Published: January 23, 2015Re: Luke 1:11. “An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the incense altar.” I believe every detail in the bible is deliberate & by design. That being the case why in Luke 1:11 was the detail of where the Angel was standing included? Is there a significance to the “right side” of that altar or of the right side in general? There are other areas of the Bible that talk about the “right side”?
Will People Die Because Of The Rapture?
Published: January 23, 2015My daughter has begun attending a church where the Pastor doesn’t believe in the rapture. He says if large numbers of people were suddenly taken it would cause the deaths of many others. Example: a pilot or bus driver. I know some believe in pre trib, mid trib and post trib rapture but never heard of a teaching of no rapture.
The Holy Spirit. Here And There?
Published: January 23, 2015A friend claims that the Holy Spirit leaves earth when we do in the Rapture and is not here during the last seven years. I have the understanding that it is the Holy Spirit within us that leaves but He is also here during those seven years for those who will come to Christ. Am I wrong?
The Holy Spirit After The Rapture
Published: January 23, 2015Thank you for your very knowledgeable answers to the many questions about the Bible. You are ministering to thousands by your web site and I pray God’s blessings for you.
I have been reading some of the answers concerning the Holy Spirit. It has been my understanding that when the Church is removed from the earth, the Holy Spirit also leaves and will not be available to those who are saved after the Rapture. Because of His removal, lawlessness and sin prevails . Have I been believing wrongly?