Will Post Rapture Believers Observe Communion?
Published: August 14, 2014After communion last Sunday, I was wondering if those who are saved after the rapture of the church will be participating in this remembrance of the Lord’s death, or if it is just for the church age saints. In 1 Cor. 11:26 it says do this until He comes – is this referring to rapture or 2nd coming?
What is Amillennialism?
Published: August 13, 2014It seems to me that more well-known non-denominational preachers are shifting towards Amillennialism teaching. I have even heard some preachers say that some seminaries take this stance. I cannot find anything in the Bible that supports their perspective. How could they believe that Satan is already bound and we are living in the 1000 year reign of Christ? Or am I completely misunderstanding what Amillenialism is?
Which Is The Gift?
Published: August 13, 2014Thank you for your outstanding ministry. I noticed that you stated that our faith is a gift from God and you used Ephesians 2:8-9 as a verse to show this. I do believe that God gives us faith, but I thought these verses were saying salvation is the gift from God. Is faith or salvation the gift that is given in these verses?
Sardis And The Book Of Life
Published: August 12, 2014I agree that in Rev 3:5 Jesus is not actually implying that these people were in the book of life in the first place but assuring them that if they accept him then they will be in it and not be blotted out of it because when you are saved you will never be unsaved. So if these Sardis people accept Jesus then that means they will be in the book of life and also in the Lamb’s book of life. I believe that the two are different books with different list of recording, but it then confuses me that for Sardis believers to be in the book of life through accepting Jesus and at the same time be in the Lamb’s book of life. Please help me understand the difference of these two books if there is any and also explain how come the Sardis people can be in both of the books, if that is the case anyway.
Brave Soldiers Consigned to Hell
Published: August 12, 2014Last night I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about those brave IDF soldiers who have died in Operation Protection Edge so far. Now obviously if they were all Messianic Jews, then they will forever be with our Lord, but what about those who never came to Yeshua because of whatever reason? What happens to them? These brave men (and/or women) died not just for their country Israel—they died while protecting the Jewish people, who, despite themselves are still God’s Chosen People. I cannot bear the thought that our Loving Father would consign these brave ones a place along with the wicked. Would you please shed some light from the Word of God for me regarding this one?
Borders Of The Promised Land. Follow Up
Published: August 11, 2014Re: The Borders Of The Promised Land. You said,”When you consider the several passages contained in Scripture that define the Promised Land, the best guide for determining its borders is to use the Euphrates River in the North, the River of Egypt (Wadi al Arish) in the South, the Mediterranean in the West and the Jordan River in the East.”
Where is the Jordan River stated as the Eastern border? And what about the tribes that stayed on the East side of the river?
The Timing Of Ezekiel 38
Published: August 10, 2014Some scholars preaches that the war of Gog and Magog is at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Others believe that it will start at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week. It says in the word of God that it takes seven months for the Jewish people to bury the dead and seven years for them to use the fuel left by those who attacked them. If the first view is correct and Ezekiel’s war does not start till the Great tribulation, then the seven years it takes to use the fuel left by Russia and others will over lap into the one thousand year millennium. I do not see that happening since it seems to differ with the word of God.
What are your thoughts ?
Questions About Daniel’s “70 Weeks” Prophecy
Published: August 10, 2014Ive been checking out a website that contradicts the popular belief about the 70 weeks of Daniel. The teacher at this site says the “He” in the Daniel 9 24-27 is none other than Christ. He also says, “A careful study of Daniel’s prophecy of the seventieth week, clearly reveals 3 1/2 years have already been fulfilled by Jesus earthly ministry, thereby leaving only 3 1/2 years still future to be fulfilled.”
My question is where do prophecy teachers get the 7 year tribulation period from and where exactly does it say Israel will sign a peace treaty?
The Approaching Horsemen
Published: August 9, 2014With the devastating news regarding the Ebola Plague, or the lack of news our liberal news media failing to announce the severity of it, do you think we are seeing the beginning of Revelation 6:8?
More On The Gaza War
Published: August 9, 2014Regarding the current Gaza/Israel conflict, do you have an opinion as to which scripture this may be fulfilling, if any? Thank you for sharing your knowledge and opinions with us! You can’t imagine how much it’s appreciated.