Three Temples Or Four?
Published: March 1, 2014Does the Bible mention three Temples or four? I have noticed a number of prophecy teachers making mention of the Millennial temple as being the 4th Temple, but I thought I read where you said it’s the third one. Which is correct?
Could The Anti Christ Be A Nephilim?
Published: March 1, 2014The subject of the Nephilim is very interesting to say the least. I have a big hunch the Anti Christ will be a Nephilim. What do you think of this? I love your site! It is a big blessing to me. Keep up the great work you’re doing!!
Christ, The Last Prophet
Published: February 28, 2014Thank you so much for your insight in to the Bible. My question is simple, Doesn’t the Bible say that Christ would be the last prophet?
More On OSAS And 1 Cor. 6:9-10
Published: February 28, 2014I have problems with OSAS, because I believe that if a person chooses to live in deliberate sin, he has to repent of it before he can be raptured. For example, our daughter, who we believe was saved–she’d loved Jesus since age 3-4, was baptized by immersion-at her own request- at 8, wanted to be a missionary, going on 3 short-term mission trips–has become a liberal in every sense, is committed to a long-term lesbian relationship, considering herself married. We love her, of course, but have difficulty in believing she will go with us in the rapture of the church based on our understanding of 1 Cor. 6:9-10, which says in part that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Wouldn’t our daughter need a time of purification– with repentance– before she could inherit the Kingdom?
Timing Of The Peace Treaty
Published: February 26, 2014Is the Peace Treaty of Dan 9:27 before or after Israel re-builds the Temple?
Spirit Of God, Or Spirit Of Man?
Published: February 26, 2014In order for man or a creature to have life and breathe, the Lord must blow the breath of life into them, meaning He blows His Spirit into them. But in order to have eternal life and have His Spirit reside in us, we have to be Born Again. Can you explain the difference here?
Signing A Covenant For Membership?
Published: February 24, 2014Is it normal to ask church members to sign a lengthy covenant? Our church wants all members to sign a covenant and all new members before they can join. We have been members for nearly 26 years and this is a brand new thing to us. I am a Gideon and find the document to be extremely intrusive and somewhat disturbing.
Can We Choose To Be Saved? Follow Up
Published: February 24, 2014Re: Can We Choose To Be Saved? Thank you so much for this very encouraging message. God be praised!
I do have one question, though, (that perhaps you have addressed elsewhere?) about our part in the “salvation of our souls”. Since it seems the choice is up to each human individual to avail oneself of the “amazing grace” unto eternal life, how is it then that this choice could not therefore, lead to pride in one’s “superior” ability in making such a “good” and “great” decision? Have you seen/heard of this in anyone?
Kingdom Now
Published: February 24, 2014Is it safe to say the reformed theology you mentioned, gave birth to the “Kingdom now” theology we hear so much of in these days?
Is There Really A Rapture?
Published: February 22, 2014Hi! First I would like to thank you for such a wonderful website. I have a question. I have always believed in the rapture of the church, mostly because that is what I have always been taught. However the more I read in the Bible, the more I am convinced that every scripture that I am directed to that supposedly refers to the rapture is actually talking about the second coming of Christ (after the tribulation). I just don’t find any scripture that solidly backs up the idea of a rapture. It really is frustrating to have others pointing out one line of scripture here and there that supposedly backs it up, only to find that when I read more than that one verse it seems to cause more doubt about the rapture. I would truly appreciate any help in this matter.