Ask a Bible Teacher

Dead To The Law

Published: January 14, 2014

I have been studying Romans 7 and understand it to mean that “The LAW” was the wife of man, and until it died we were bound by it. Now that it is dead we are able to become brides of Christ and if we try to live in both we are in a form of spiritual adultery. I have two parts to my inquiry; 1. Am i correctly understanding this teaching? 2. Are we actually bound until death to our first spouse, and committing adultery by remarrying?

Should We Wait?

Published: January 13, 2014

My fiance and I have been dating for 14 months and are engaged to be married. We are both Christians and have been married before. Both our previous spouses are deceased. As strong as my walk has been with the Lord, I am not sure about us having sex before we are actually married. We are obviously not virgins. I haven’t found anything in the Bible to give us specific direction. We have not been physically intimate yet and I want to be clear on whether we need to wait for our union to be blessed. Could you give us some insight and scripture?

Jewish But Doesn’t Know It?

Published: January 13, 2014

I have a question regarding Ezekiel 39:28. Assuming it is possible that a person might not know that he or she is a Jew by birth, do you think it’s possible that one day a husband, let’s say, could wake up and say,”Honey, we are going to Israel.” And the wife asks, “why?”, and the husband says, “I really do not know but we ARE going to Israel.” I am married to a man who was orphaned at birth and knows almost nothing about his family history. So it seems to me this could be a plausible scenario. I believe when God says He will leave not one (of His people) behind that is exactly what He means. I would appreciate your opinion. And again thank you so much for all that you do.


How Could It Happen So Fast?

Published: January 12, 2014

In studying the Book of Revelation, we discover that during the Tribulation there will be a single global currency, a single global government and a single global religion. From a strictly logistical viewpoint, if the Rapture occurred in the next year or two, how could the anti-Christ all of a sudden “globalize” everything? Wouldn’t the world already need to have a uniform type of currency and government “in the works.” As far as the religion part is concerned, that could happen overnight, especially when the Church is gone. I definitely see the trend toward globalization – the EU is a perfect example, but we are far from having the entire world under one currency & government. I look forward to your thoughts on this.

Spare The Rod One More Time

Published: January 12, 2014

I appreciate your article on spanking/beating our children. I must confess that I have spanked my children and was spanked as a child. Your article has brought about a change in heart for my wife and me. I must admit that I was defensive when I first read it, but I have taken this past week to pray and ask the Lord about it. He wants to perfect us before we are raptured, in all ways.

You’re right, how would I feel if an 18 foot giant belted me one every time I got out of line? I never thought of it like that. My girls rarely need spanked, but we have done it. My wife and I have spoken in the past and agreed spanking was necessary by all parents. But, now, we have agreed to get over ourselves, drop our defensiveness, and listen to the counsel provided by God through your ministry. We are praying and have changed our attitudes and hearts on the matter and I do feel ashamed that we bought in to such an awful philosophy. Thank you Jack, I appreciate you tackling a difficult subject.

More On Spare The Rod

Published: January 12, 2014

I love most of your articles and fully agree with about 95 to 98% of what you teach, but I have to say I disagree with you on your conclusions on this topic. I don’t know about how biblical it is or isn’t, but punishing a child for wrong doing is essential, in my humble opinion, and in many cases physical punishment is the most effective way. One of the major problems facing our society today, is children are not held accountable and appropriately punished for their wrong-doings at home or at school for fear of law suits or arrest on the parents and school officials’ part. This has produced adults who have a hard time understanding the consequences for disobeying authority or the laws of the land.

Now, beating and spanking are NOT the same thing, and never have been, but advocates of “Not-Spanking” always call spanking, “Beating” to exaggerate the circumstances and garner favor for their position, as most folks will agree that “beating” a child isn’t right, regardless of what they did. But children must learn that there are consequences for their actions, especially when they choose to break the rules.

In conclusion, as Christian parents, the scriptures should be taught, and love and encouragement should be free-flowing in the home. But, when the child breaks the rules, out of malice or in full knowledge of knowing what they did is forbidden, then a spanking is often a necessary means to convey what disobeying authority means. After the punishment is dispensed, then it is important that the parent(s) sit down with the child and explain why the punishment was carried out and how to avoid future spankings.

The Last Trump

Published: January 12, 2014

On the page “Defending The Pre-Trib Rapture (Again)” you make this statement;

“Don’t try to use the trumpet reference in verse 52 to pin the timing down. There are several “Last Trumpets” in the Bible and in Jewish tradition. This verse just means it’s the last trumpet we’ll hear before we’re changed. ”

Could you provide some backup to this please?

Was Rabbi Kaduri A Prophet?

Published: January 11, 2014

The internet is abuzz today with the news of the death of Ariel Sharon and the “unlocking” of the Rabbi Kaduri prophecy. As Christians, should we embrace this age Rabbi’s prophecy as true prophecy, or should we reject it as mysticism? Personally, I do not find anything in scripture that would lead me to believe this prophecy would be reliable.

Are We Fighting Against The Will Of God?

Published: January 10, 2014

Re: The Holocaust. Since the holocaust, the tribulation, etc., are a judgment from God for rejecting Him, does helping the Jews, such as what happened in WWII and will happen in the tribulation, constitute fighting against the will of God – God’s will apparently being that they suffer under that judgment?

Finding Gog, Follow Up

Published: January 9, 2014

In your recent article, FINDING GOG, the following statement was made….

“The Bible clearly states that behind the human seats of government stand supernatural figures manipulating the thoughts and actions of the world’s leaders. These figures are in Satan’s employ, helping in his effort to wrest ownership of Planet Earth from its Creator.”

I would appreciate if you could provide scriptural reference to support this statement. I am aware the Bible states clearly that God creates and establishes the kings of all nations, but can not find any supporting verses to clearly support the quote from this recent article.