Was Jesus Black?
Published: May 3, 2013In the last several years, I’ve received many comments where people tell me that Jesus is black and that the Tribe of Judah is Black. I’ve tried doing my own research on this but can’t seem to find a sound Biblical site that can give me an answer on this. I want to say that it doesn’t make any difference to me what color Jesus is, but so many are saying that Jesus was black and the Jews in Israel are not the true Jews. Is there any truth to this?
Purified In The Seal Judgments?
Published: May 3, 2013There seems to be good arguments that Daniel’s 70th week begins with Rev 7 or later with the moon turning red. These arguments present that the church is not protected from the seals and that the church will be purified during this time. Their claims are that the seals are birthing pains. Is it possible that the 70th week does not begin until AFTER the seals are presented?
The Seal Judgments
Published: May 3, 2013I just want to make sure I am on the right track. In Revelation 6, the seal judgements, I see it as 7 scrolls sealed with 7 seals. When the first seal is opened then the first judgments are described –right? The second seal is broken and the judgments described. etc.
These In White Robes, Who Are They?
Published: May 2, 2013I’m having a hard time understanding why so many people think that the multitude in Rev. 7:9 are new Christians killed sometime after the Rapture! I find two problems with this theory: First, it says in Rev. 20:4-5 that the martyred saints are given glorified bodies at that time, not way back in Chapter 7. Also, could there really be that many people coming to Christ ALL AT ONCE during such troublesome times, especially in light of the fact that God “sends a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”? Until someone can give me good Scriptural backing, I will stay convinced that we Christians are the multitude of Rev. 7:9.
The End Times Religion
Published: May 1, 2013I recently watched a TV minister discussing his theory that the one world religion of Revelation will be the apostate Catholic Church. He believes that the Catholics will triumph over Islam, due to his argument that the prostitute represents the fallen church in the same manner that God frequently refers to Israel as an adulterous wife. In furtherance of his hypothesis, he notes that the prostitute in chapter 17 is wearing both purple and scarlet — the official colors of Catholic Bishops and Cardinals, respectively. What do you think of this idea?
The Coming Blood Moons. Follow Up
Published: April 30, 2013I had a question regarding the events and blood moons. Did you take into consideration that under the Jewish calendar the year 1949 would have still been 1948 for Jews? For instance, I know that the year 2012 doesn’t end under the Jewish calendar until this Sept. 2013.
What Happens To Tribulation Martyrs?
Published: April 30, 2013What do you believe happens to tribulation saints during the millennial reign? I loved the description you painted in your “Israel, The Church, and the Hebrew Roots movement” but I could not answer for myself what would happen to the tribulation saints spiritually brought to heaven during the tribulation. Are their bodies resurrected and brought to the earth to live with Israel, or are they brought up to the New Jerusalem with the church?
The Vatican And The Upper Room
Published: April 27, 2013I recently read that the Vatican has purchased the Upper Room and that some of the Jews are very displeased by this. With the current Pope’s acknowledgement of his and Muslim’s God being the same, do you think this is a precursor to one world religion and the splitting of Jerusalem between Jews and Palestinians?
Did He Repent Or Not?
Published: April 26, 2013I notice that in commentaries on 2 Cor 2, regarding the shunned incestuous believer, the commentators always insist the man ‘must’ have repented. But to me it seems that Scripture is silent on this point, and that in verses 7-9 it is the shunning believers that are instructed, as a test, to do the repenting, or turning. Is there a verse I am unaware of that indicates the believer repented? Or does God leave this unspoken so that even sinning believers will not be forever cast away from the fellowship of the saints?
Have Average Lifespans Changed?
Published: April 26, 2013I know the Bible says our expected lifespan is 70 years (and 80 if you’re healthy) but I have noticed lately that a lot of people are living well into their 90’s. So I am wondering do you think God, and Jesus have expanded a human’s life span from 80 years of age to 100? And that the 2nd coming of Jesus is 100 years, from the date of 1948 when Israel became a nation?