Can He Reject His Faith?
Published: April 14, 2013My husband of 25 years told me several months ago that he is considering rejecting his faith and becoming an atheist. We have both been Christians for almost 30 years. We raised four kids and served in the church together. He did not fake his faith or try to fool anyone or pretend. I believe in my heart that he was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I have been in anguish since he told me this because I believe if he says there is no God or Savior that he will not go to Heaven. He has handed back his salvation and said no thanks. Is this possible?
A Great Harvest Of Souls
Published: April 14, 2013I hear “prophets” mention that there will be a “great harvest” before the rapture. If this is true, where is this prophesied in the bible? One such prophet declared, “Indeed, we stand on the verge of the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Never forget: the Lord will have His harvest. The Spirit of God is now at work to “harvest the harvesters.” More than a billion people will soon be swiftly brought into the Kingdom of God.” He does not give a scripture reference, nor do others I have noticed. What do you make of this?
Can We Sin After The Rapture?
Published: April 13, 2013Thank you so much for sharing all your amazing wisdom! As I was going to sleep last night I suddenly wondered, can I sin in heaven after the rapture? If we can’t, does that mean our sin nature is tied to our mortal bodies? I just can’t stand the thought of going to heaven and then blowing it.
Why The Manna?
Published: April 13, 2013God provided manna to the Israelites until they entered the promised land through-out their 40 years journey in the desert but there are a few questions that cross my mind: First, the Israelites received the ceremonial law at Mt. Sinai for their worship and were instructed to use lambs, cows, pigeons, wheat, etc. for offerings. If they were in the desert and constantly on the move, how could they find those items for offerings? Second, sea cows are aquatic animals. how did they find sea cows for the Tabernacle covering from the desert? And third, since they had animals, olive oil, and wheat, why did they need manna?
Can We Leave God? Follow Up
Published: April 12, 2013In Can We Leave God? you stated that true believers cannot commit apostasy. If that were true, why did the Lord make sure there were so many warnings against it and leaving the faith? John 15:6 says the believer that does not remain in Him will be thrown away and burned. In fact there is a warning in almost every book of the new testament not to stop obeying and to keep believing the Lord. I could go on and on. So it seems to me that the few verses that talk about God’s eternal love for us are tempered with the warning if we want to remain in Him, we must do the things He commands. This view isn’t as palatable as OSAS, but I believe that if you look at what it says instead of what you want it to say, you will see that the Lord gives us a choice even to the end. How do you defend OSAS in light of these scriptures?
I Want To Tithe, But He Says No
Published: April 12, 2013My husband said that he accepted the Lord when his parent died two years ago, but it’s hard for me to see his fruits. One area is tithing.. I really feel strongly about tithing but my husband borders on being Draconian regarding our finances. He puts money in the basket but I feel very strongly that I should be tithing from my salary but he would be apoplectic if he found out. So do I obey GOD and His Word that talks about tithing or submit to my “believing” husband?
Kept Out Or Guarded In?
Published: April 11, 2013I have discovered that the word “tereo” is used in Rev 3:10 and John 17:15 which means to guard and watch over in a specific time, not to be physically removed. With this difference in words, is it not fair to say that we will be guarded in the hour of trial and not physically removed as the Isrealites were protected and guarded during the 10 plagues?
Can We Leave God?
Published: April 11, 2013I’ve been thinking that a person could leave God if he chose to do so. This would have to be an act of volition and a decision one would come to over the course of time. I guess my question would be; Why wouldn’t a person be free to leave God if he chose to do so at some point in time? If he couldn’t, would that not be a violation of his free will?
What’s The Timing Of Isaiah 17?
Published: April 10, 2013Your website is a great blessing. I read you everyday, both the questions and answers and also once a week on your articles. I praise God that you are very plain in your explanations. Here’s my question. I am interested in the end times and have been reading a lot over the years. But I have not really studied out the time line of when Damascus will be destroyed. Do you think this could happen before the rapture of the Church? Or is it specific to during the tribulation or at Armageddon?
More On Millennial Believers
Published: April 9, 2013Believers who survive the Great Tribulation and enter the Millennium will help repopulate the earth. What happens to these believers when they die in the Millennium? They obviously can’t/won’t go to the New Jerusalem, where else could/would they go?