Ask a Bible Teacher

4 Horsemen, All At Once Or One At A Time?

Published: March 6, 2013

I was reading an article by someone that said the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse would appear simultaneously, and not one after the other. That’s not how I read the sixth chapter of Revelation. Would you share your thoughts on this please?

In The Tribulation, Who Are Sealed?

Published: March 6, 2013

I have a question about the sealing of the 144000. We know from Revelation 7 that the 144000 will be sealed as servants of God. We also know that Gentile believers will also be sealed because of the locusts in the fifth trumpet seal only being able to harm unbelievers. My question is, do you think this seal on the forehead will be visible, and if so will the 144000 seal be different from the seal of Gentiles because they are chosen to be servants of God?

Self Defense Vs. Civil Disobedience

Published: March 6, 2013

I read that you believe it’s okay to use guns for self-defense and I would agree. Is it self defense if we are use a gun to keep either local authorities or some branch of the military being used domestically to confiscate our guns if these authorities are acting upon an order from the government? It seems like this is coming soon. If the rapture hasn’t occurred before this happens, are we to view the powers that be as being sanctioned by God and that we should do as they say even though we know they have very evil intentions with all this? Should we go as sheep and turn everything over to them and then get in the trucks or buses as ordered to take us to their camps as was done to the Jews?

Who Will Satan Deceive?

Published: March 5, 2013

It is believed that on Christ’s return with His angels at the second coming, He will judge all nations (The sheep and goat judgement – Matthew 25:31-46) after which the 1000 year reign begins. Satan is said to be captured through this period but must be released after The Millennium to once again deceive many. Who are those to be deceived by Satan after the Millennium?

Unbiblical Divorce

Published: March 5, 2013

I know the Bible says that unfaithfulness is the only reason for divorce. The couple are Christians, but her husband is verbally abusive to his wife. Very mean. I told her to get out and now he is filing for divorce. I can’t believe that God would want her to stay with this man. Does she have to stay married to him and if she gets divorced, never marry again?

Peddling God’s Word

Published: March 4, 2013

Re: 2 Cor. 2:17. I make wooden plaques with Scripture on them and was thinking of selling them but this verse causes me concern. Selling them for a profit bothers me, but at the same time people are blessed by having the word of God in their midst. I want to honor the Lord and not do this for selfish reasons or gain although sometimes I wonder on occasion if my motives are right.

Apathy And Apostasy

Published: February 27, 2013

My preparations to teach an adult Sunday school class at my church led me to the mention of the “Iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” in Genesis 15:16 . I expressed my conviction to the class that God’s destruction of every nation and people in history has always followed when His warnings against wickedness were ignored and that America’s descent into the abyss of evil in defiance of His warning means His judgement is sure to follow. Some astute class members really agreed, but some others were offended by my analogy to America. Somehow, apathy and outright apostasy seem to lurk in even churches where the Gospel is faithfully taught. Have you also found this to be true?

Why Burn The Weapons?

Published: February 27, 2013

In light of the recent discoveries of oil and gas reserves in Israel’s territorial waters, it struck me as odd that Israelis would be burning weapons left from the Gog/Magog Battle. This can only mean one thing: the Israeli survivors will be scavenging.

The Great White Throne Judgment

Published: February 26, 2013

I have a friend who believes those who have gone to hell can still be saved at the great white throne judgement. What is this? I’ve never heard that people could repent of sins on earth after they have died. Can you please give me some insight to this line of thought? Please provide Scripture to back it up or refute it.

Eyewitnesses To The 2nd Coming. Follow Up

Published: February 23, 2013

Re: Eyewitnesses To The 2nd Coming. I was taught that all of the Disciples had died, except John who lived to be in his 90’s. On the Isle of Patmos he was given by Jesus Himself, the full Revelation of His Kingdom ! “some of you will not taste death until ….” The disciples didn’t understand what He was saying but He knew that He would appear personally to John and give in detail, that which would occur in the end times.