Ask a Bible Teacher

Rebellion At The End Of The Millennium

Published: December 31, 2012

You have taught that, as time passes during the Millennium, mortal man will will become increasingly evil, and sin will become widespread again. Therefore, when Satan is released he will have no problem gathering an army to go to war again against God. Does Scripture say that sin and rebellion will occur only in the Nations, but the Kingdom will be singularly free of it? Does it mean that Israel, alone on earth, will be free of the rebellion that will characterize the rest of the earth as the Millennium draws to a close? If Yes, is that a result of our Lord’s personal, hands-on, Rod of Iron rule of Israel?

No More Time?

Published: December 31, 2012

Re: Revelation 10:5-6. “The Angel standing one foot on the Earth and one foot on the Sea raises his hands to God and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer.” I know that Revelation is not in chronological order but it leaves me thinking. How will the End Time events occur if time itself is no longer?

The Millennial Temple

Published: December 29, 2012

I understand that the Jews will set up the temple during the 70th Week and resume animal sacrifices again. What happens after the tribulation and the millennial reign of Christ starts. Will they then worship Christ like the gentiles and will the temple still be used?

The Time After The Rapture

Published: December 29, 2012

After the bride is caught up to meet Jesus in the air, wouldn’t there have to be some space of time for the ten kingdoms to appear with ten kings. The Bible says they must exist for a while then the 11th king, the little horn of Daniel, aka the anti-Christ will arise. Your insight on this would be deeply appreciated.

Where Are The Spirits Of The Newtown Children?

Published: December 28, 2012

What’s the proper response to people who when talking about the children who died in Newtown say in reverent tones, “They are all little angels in Heaven”? Do all children under a certain age automatically go to Heaven? We also talked about aborted babies and babies in the Rapture. I didn’t have sufficient answer and was hoping you would help me with this.

When Is The Last Day

Published: December 25, 2012

When is the “last day” that is spoken of in John 6:39, John 6:40, John 6:44, and John 6:54? To me, it appears that it is the Rapture that he is referring to. But in John 11:24, Martha is talking about Jesus raising up Lazarus (a Jew) at the “last day”. The only other time the exact words “last day” (not “last days”) is mentioned is John 7:37: ‘On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” Is it possible that all of these verses could be referring to the Rapture that will take place on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (year unknown)?

What Happened To The Gentiles?

Published: December 24, 2012

Since God revealed Himself to the Jews and their religion, what happened to all the Gentiles until Christianity was in effect. Does this mean that all Gentiles went to Hell, except the few Gentiles who believed in what the Jews preached?

Suppose Adam Had Refused?

Published: December 21, 2012

What would have happened if Eve had eaten of the apple in the Garden but Adam had refused?

The Water Vapor Canopy

Published: December 20, 2012

I’ve recently undertaken a “Bible in a Year” study program and I have some questions: First, when the “waters above and waters below” are mentioned in the creation story,, what does this mean? Also, how did the members of Adam’s line live so long, some over 900 years? Was this due to their physical proximity to God? Thanks in advance and I can’t wait for the return of our Lord!

Revival Or Last Call?

Published: December 20, 2012

I know you have already stated that the Bible does not support an End Times Revival. But you’ve also written that you believe “the Lord is issuing a giant last call” before He takes the Church. I continue to be unsure of the difference and how this plays out and I don’t know how to refute people who insist we are in/headed for Revival. These people are talking about bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.