Has The Red Horse Come?
Published: December 19, 2012Based on the upsurge of violence such as the recent shootings, do you think the Red Horse of Revelation 6 is being released?
The Abomination(s) Of Desolation
Published: December 19, 2012In What Really Happened At Christmas you say “Antiochus captured the Temple, sacrificed a pig on the altar, and erected a statue of the Greek god Zeus in the Holy Place requiring everyone to worship it on pain of death. This outrageous act rendered the Temple unclean and became known as the Abomination of Desolation.” In Daniel 11:31 he speaks of the abomination that causes desolation. I was under the impression that this refers to the time when the anti-Christ stands in the Holy temple and demands to be worshiped. So now we have two abominations of desolation?
A Little While?
Published: December 17, 2012Rev. 20:3 states that Satan will be released for “a little while” after a Christ has reigned for a thousand years. Although we will have glorified bodies by that time, are there any corroborating scriptures that may indicate how long that will be? If not, would you have an educated guess to offer?
Inhabiting The Universe?
Published: December 17, 2012Matt 24:31 says the elect will be gathered from every part of the heavens, which you believe to be the raptured church. My question is why will we have to be gathered up? Won’t we all be in the same place? Is this a clue that we could be inhabiting other places in the universe. I’ve always wondered who the Saints will reign and rule over as kings. Could it be that there are places in the universe being prepared for new civilizations during eternity?
Who Is The Lord Talking About?
Published: December 13, 2012I have moved from the post-trib rapture and now utterly reject it after studying this for a long time. The pre trib rapture emerges as true after much digging into the scriptures. I know that Matt 24:31 is not the rapture but could it be that it refers to the gathering of the Israelites to Jerusalem as Isa 11:11,12 and Isa 27:12,13 indicate? Perhaps Matt. 24:31 could also refer to previously raptured saints being gathered from one end of heaven to the other, ready to descend on horses behind the Lord as Rev 19 indicates. It may as you say also refer to the gathering of Tribulation saints. What do you say about all of this?
Is Today God’s Day?
Published: December 13, 2012Today is 12-12-12. Twelve has been called God’s number because it us used so often in the Bible. I’ve seen e-mails by people calling for world wide prayer and repentance today because today is God’s day. Is God more likely to respond today than on any other day, or does this just give people a reason to pray? Is 12 God’s number?
A Movie About Demons
Published: December 12, 2012My daughter was asking me about a scary movie concerning a demon-possessed child. She asked, “Are demons real?”, “Do demons enter people’s bodies?” and ” Do exorcisms really occur?” I know that Satan does have demons in the world helping him, but I am not sure how to answer her questions. I do not want to scare her. Can you help me with the answers?
Will Some Live On Earth And Others In Heaven?
Published: December 10, 2012Do Rev 5:10 and Matt 5:5 suggest that some people will live on the earth rather than in heaven?
More on Amillennialism
Published: December 10, 2012I Hope you can shed a little light on the Amillennialism view for me. I have been running into a growing number of Sovereign Grace Calvinist’s who are departing from the traditional pre-trib/pre-millennial view. They are also claiming grounds for not having fellowship with those who believe in a literal rebuilding of the Temple and re-instituted animal sacrifices. This doesn’t sound right to me. Can you elaborate where they get this teaching from?
The Book Of Remembrance
Published: December 8, 2012I have a question based upon something that I heard this week. Someone on one of the God channels on TV was preaching about the book of Revelation. They stated that in order to be part of the Rapture, one had to have one’s name written in the ‘Book of Remembrance’. They stated that in order to be in that book, one had to be an over comer by paying one’s tithes, witnessing, going to church etc etc. But it strikes me that this can be boiled down to being based upon our works. Surely our Rapture is based purely and simply on the grace of the Lord Jesus, and our faith in him?