Tolerance Vs. Mercy
Published: October 14, 2012I believe that the Word of God is a Word that is intolerant (basically it’s His way or perish). That being said can you help us understand the difference between man’s tolerance and God’s mercy? I believe them to be on totally different ends of the spectrum. Can God be tolerant? I believe not, but yes He is Merciful.
The Post Rapture Holy Spirit
Published: October 13, 2012How does grace after the Rapture work? The Holy Spirit is removed from the Earth, so what are the conditions of being saved during that time? Do those left behind still simply have to confess and believe that the Lord died for the sins? Or is it something different? Something more?
Does Damascus Have To Be Destroyed?
Published: October 12, 2012In regards to Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus, does all of Damascus have to be destroyed? With all the fighting, destruction, and death in Syria right now could that be what was meant by the “destruction of Damascus”? I am wondering if it can be greatly damaged due to this current war or if it as to be totally destroyed to fit the Isaiah 17 prophecy.
Maligning The Word Of God?
Published: October 11, 2012What is your opinion of Titus 2:5 where women are encouraged to stay busy at home and to be subject to their husbands so they won’t malign the word of God. I ask because many men like me are unable to make enough to support their family, either because they can’t find work or because the work they can find doesn’t pay enough. As a nurse my wife’s income is sufficient to support us while I get enough education to qualify myself for a better paying job. During this time I will also be taking care of our home and child. As soon as I can I intend to become our family’s breadwinner allowing my wife to stay at home with our child. In the mean time are we maligning the word of God by reversing our roles?
Left Behind And Refusing The Mark
Published: October 8, 2012What happens to those people left behind after the rapture? Who are those who pay with their lives for rejecting the mark of the beast?
Out Of Fellowship But In The Rapture?
Published: October 8, 2012I have read your Union and fellowship theory, but am still bothered. When you are in the unchangeable union with God and the Holy spirit is bestowed upon you as he promised, but your fellowship is infrequent (being human) will you still be raptured considering the fact that you are not holy as a result of sin? If yes, people would have the idea that they can sin but would still be raptured. Please explain. I find this disturbing.
Will The 70th Week Be Left Incomplete?
Published: October 6, 2012Re: Daniel’s 70th Week. If the anti- Christ violates the terms of the agreement and makes the temple unfit for worship after three and a half years that still leaves the seven years incomplete. How is this overcome?
Three Kings Of Daniel 11. Follow Up
Published: October 4, 2012I forwarded your article, The Three Kings Of Daniel 11, to certain individuals and received a reply from one of them to the effect that the prophecies have already been fulfilled in history. He wanted to know what makes you think they’re applicable to today’s events. Care to tackle the question?
Will We Remember Friends And Family?
Published: October 4, 2012At the Rapture we will be given new immortal bodies. Will the spirit that existed at the time of death here on earth be reinstated into that new body with all the memories, knowledge of times and people that was in that the old body know, as well? I’m thinking of my wonderful dad, whom I lost recently, I want him to know me when we see one another again; as with all my friends, family, etc…is this what I can look forward to? I know all previous relationships are done at death; and once in heaven we’re all sisters/brothers in Christ, but will the knowledge of knowing each other from specific earthly relationships remain?
More On Divorce And Remarriage
Published: October 3, 2012It’s my understanding that the bible does not forbid a person from divorcing an unfaithful spouse. It’s also my understanding that a divorced person who remarries someone else is committing adultery. What if a person divorces an unfaithful spouse and then remarries someone else? Is this adultery?