Are Departed Loved Ones Observing Us?
Published: June 19, 2012My best friend ever (my dad) has been gone 3 years now. Recently I made a decision to be re-baptized and was telling my friend that I wished I had made this decision 3 years ago when dad could see this. She told me he could see this since all departed believers can “look down” and see what’s happening on Earth. She used the story of the rich man and Lazarus to support this. I’ve always believed when you go to Heaven you put the past behind, including relationships, and I can find no scripture to prove otherwise. Am I wrong?
Pre-Trib Rapture. Follow Up
Published: June 19, 2012In your response to a question claiming that in some places the Bible seems to indicate the Church’s presence for at least part of the tribulation, you said, “If you do a word study on 1 Thes. 1:10, you’ll see it promises that Jesus will rescue the Church from both the time and the place of God’s wrath in a manner that requires our prior departure.”
I can understand why some would think that this gets us out of the tribulation, but in John 17:15 Christ prayed that: ” My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” If so, could 1 Thes. 1:10 actually mean that we will be rescued from the wrath of eternal death?
Believe In the One He Has Sent. Follow Up
Published: June 19, 2012The traditional view of Hell is the only “truth” in life I hate. Being separated from God forever and all he is and all he made is one thing – being trapped for eternity with your own emotional feeling of grief and sadness because of regret and all that goes with sin is also another thing I can grasp – but being tortured in physical, excruciating pain is quite another. Why did God have to make it physically painful? Isn’t separation from faith, hope and love and beauty enough?
Protecting Us Or Accommodating Them?
Published: June 18, 2012First of all, I want to commend you for the great web-site. It really helps me put things into perspective. My question has to do with the reason for the rapture. Is the rapture of the church for protecting the church believers or is it God’s willingness to take His children out of this world to appease the unbeliever’s desire to rid the world of any godly influence?
Revelation, Ezekiel 38, And The Rapture
Published: June 17, 2012I’ve always been taught that the judgments (of Revelation) happen one by one, after the rapture. But a few of the Bible Prophecy sites I read have given links to other theories that they don’t happen in any sort of order, and that they could happen 2 or 3 at a time kind of. I was wondering how do we know which this is? Also, there seems to be a very big debate on whether the Iran/Russia attack on Israel will happen before or after the Rapture. Anyway to know for sure which will happen first?
Esau And The Palestinians
Published: June 17, 2012There is teaching out that the House of Esau were the ancestors of the modern day Palestinians and that prophecy teaches these people are to be totally destroyed by Israel according to a judgment prophesied in the O.T. Is this correct? I have just discovered this site and am thoroughly enjoying the teaching. So many questions I’ve had are being answered.
Could Rev. 6 Be Wrong?
Published: June 16, 2012Just because the people of earth declare the 6th seal God’s wrath doesn’t mean God sees it that way. The earth people may be fooled into thinking the 6th seal is Armageddon and then view the antichrist as savior. they may believe the Millennial age has begun not knowing the trumpets and bowls are yet to come.
Gun Shy About Timing
Published: June 14, 2012Since there have been approx. 2000 years since Paul’s revelation of the rapture one can conclude it was never “imminent” until now ( post 1948 or 1967 ). Also, God is patient and doesn’t want anyone to perish. Jerusalem seems to be center of the the world to Daniel’s 70th week. Can’t it be possible God didn’t start the clock ticking on the last generation until 1967? Fits the bill to God’s nature that he would give as much time as possible. I have read your article “why the rebirth of Israel is a sign of the end times” but Is Israel really Israel without Jerusalem? I can see the foot steps but I can’t hear them. Guess I’m still gun shy from the 1980’s when my dad fell for Hal Lindsey’s “imminent” rapture alert.
Are The Seals Of Rev. 6 Part Of God’s Wrath?
Published: June 12, 2012The little scroll in Revelation 5 has writing on both sides and 7 seals. The common interpretation is a scroll with writing on both sides is always a judgment of wrath. Let’s go with that. What about the seals? Do they have writing on both sides? The seals are made of wax. The scroll is made of parchment. The purpose of the seals is to keep the scroll from being read. The seals have no writing on them. The seals are not the scroll, they just keep the scroll from being read. If such is the case, then there is no reason why the seals can’t be judgments of God, but not wrath judgments.
Valley Of Decision
Published: June 11, 2012Concerning Joel 3:14, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!….” What is it “they” are deciding?