Ask a Bible Teacher

Rapture Or Occupation?

Published: December 29, 2011

Several months ago during my meditation, the thought came to me that America is going to experience its own “Babylonian Occupation” as in the time of Daniel. Last week, as I surfed the internet, I came across video of politicians quoting Isaiah 9:10 after the 9/11/01 attacks. When I read Isaiah, I realized that it was a verse of defiance from the Israelites vs. turning back to God. With the creep of Islamic law in this country, could we be looking at a similar situation vs. one that includes a rapture, at this time?

Still More On The Last Trump

Published: December 28, 2011

1 Cor 15:52 says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” I have read that in Jewish Traditions there are two trumps. And I wondered, will we hear JESUS blow a first trumpet and in the twinkling the dead are taken up, and possibly like a second later, He blows the last trump and the alive are taken? If there is a “last” trump, is there also a “first” trump?

Could Sin Have Entered The World?

Published: December 28, 2011

Would it have been possible for sin to enter the world if the tree of knowledge of good and evil were absent? I’m inclined to say no, but I’d be interested in your opinion.

2012, A Very Good Year?

Published: December 27, 2011

In reviewing what one website has said about December 21,2012 I found an interesting statement.

“It looks like this gravitational cosmic tsunami could cause the sun to scorch the earth. That means that the only immediate survivors would be people in the underground cities, caves, and submarines.”

If I’m correct you said in an article that it is possible the sixth seal and prophecy concerning Dec 21,2012 could be one and the same. If so, that would make the Rapture very very soon. What do you think?

Honor Your Parents

Published: December 27, 2011

I read, understand and appreciate the 5th commandment, but how far does it go? Does it permit parents to choose who you marry? And if not parents choice, do they have the right to attempt to terminate the marriage? Do parents have the rights to inhibit your education so that you never exceed their understanding, ambitions or wealth? Do parents have the right to tell you when to have children? Or even to suggest an abortion? Does a mother have the right to steal your future because she breast fed you? Do a parent’s desires take priority over your spouse? Do parents have the right to curse you if you don’t go along with whatever they decree? These are just some of the ruling cultures in many pentecostal churches here.

Did Jesus Go To Trial?

Published: December 26, 2011

Someone who referred me to your website told me he doesn’t believe that Jesus actually went through a trial. Is that what you believe?

Praying For Peace

Published: December 26, 2011

As Christians we are told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It is my understanding that when Israel feels at peace it will be the set up for a major delusion/attack on them. So, aren’t we praying for the Lord to hasten when we pray for Israel’s peace? Or did I get this all wrong?

OSAS And The Mark Of The Beast

Published: December 24, 2011

I am a relatively new Christian and have been troubled by the conditional versus eternal salvation issue since the beginning of my walk. Your website has provided me with tremendous relief from this problem and I am very grateful. However, it was recently brought to my attention by an advocate of conditional salvation that during the end times, that a single sin could be eternally damning – taking the mark of the beast. What about Christians who, in a moment of fear and weakness, accept the mark of the beast? Will they be forgiven, or will they have forfeited their salvation by that one act?

Ezekiel 38 And The Old Covenant. Follow Up

Published: December 23, 2011

I just read your response to the question titled “Ezekiel 38 and the Old Covenant” and need to clear something up. Are you saying that following Ezekiel 38-39 Jews who die and have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah will be qualified for entry into heaven? If not could you please clarify what you meant by “it will begin with a reinstatement of the Old Covenant, which will be acceptable to God.” I have been an avid reader of your columns for quite a few years now but this answer is deeply troubling to me. Please clarify your position on this.

EMP Attack Before The Rapture?

Published: December 23, 2011

It is widely believed by Bible scholars that an event will take place just prior to the Rapture that will shut down or halt the transportation system, so planes don’t fall from the sky and trains don’t collide into one another because believing pilots and conductors are taken away. Is it possible that the Iranian intention to place surface ships and submarines off our coast is connected to this? They could launch EPM bombs to shut down all electronic devices and cripple our transportation system which is believed to occur just prior to the Rapture.