Ask a Bible Teacher

More About The Trinity

Published: August 8, 2011

Does each member of the Trinity have different attributes? Like as in is God the Father the most powerful? Did OT Jesus, earthly Jesus, earthly resurrected Jesus, and now heavenly Jesus have different Godly attributes? Growing up, I always prayed to Jesus, but I learned we are told to pray to God the Father. Do you imagine/envision God the Father in some sort of way when you pray? God the Father is an invisible spirit? Is that correct?

Women In The Church

Published: August 6, 2011

I have just read the posts regarding headcovering and it has raised a question in my mind. When I was born again, I was set free from sin by grace through faith. So why am I now being loaded down with rules set by men ie headcovering as an example. Christ did not teach that women had to cover their heads or that women could not teach or preach so far as I am aware. I am not saying that neither Paul nor Timothy did not have justification for what they said, but is there not a question of culture and just plain disrespect for others here? Please explain why our Lord treated everyone with love and respect including women and yet pastors/elders use these things to keep women quiet.

More On Marriage In Heaven

Published: August 6, 2011

I read the work online of a preacher who said he went to heaven, and he found that people there did have “partners” whom they lived with, to whom they were perfectly suited. These people did not have sex as we know it, but their celestial bodies blended into one at times. Whether or not this is actual, it is a lovely idea, and I hope it is true for those who would like to live that way. I miss my “soul mate” and would like to share his mansion. And share with him whatever God would like us to share. What do you think?

Seven Heads And Ten Horns

Published: August 5, 2011

When John saw the Great Red Dragon of Rev. 12:3 having Seven Heads and Ten Horns and Seven Crowns upon his Heads, which ONE of the 7 Heads were the 10 Horns attached to?

The Number Of The Church

Published: August 5, 2011

Like you, I believe that the rapture is a number based event rather than a date based one. With that in mind is there any indication in all the books of the Bible as to what that number might be? Could the 24 elders, representing the raptured church in the book of Revelation 4:4 , give us a clue as to the final number of believers? Or is there another meaning attached to this number of elders?

Pre-Trib Or Pre-Wrath?

Published: August 4, 2011

A friend and I were discussing the Rapture and I said I believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture and He said He believes in the Pre-Wrath Rapture. What’s the difference?

Grounds For Divorce?

Published: August 3, 2011

My husband and I have been married for 5 years now. Throughout these five years my husband has participated in cybersex and views porn. When I confront him, he denies it and becomes very angry with me. He says as Christians we fall all the time but we just need to get back up and ask God for forgiveness. Am I obligated to stay married to him? He promises to stop all the time but he never does. This is ruining my life.

Creation Or Great Flood?

Published: August 3, 2011

Psalm 104:6-9, which seems to describe the Creation, says that after land was formed water would never again cover the Earth . This is a huge problem for people that believe the Genesis Flood was global. If have no problem believing that the Genesis flood was global, I just won’t until this contradiction can be resolved. So my question is how do you resolve this contradiction?

Before Or After The 70th Week?

Published: July 30, 2011

I read from 1 Cor 15:23 that there is an order to the resurrection. The first being Christ and then those who belong to Christ at His Second Coming. If so, then the rapture and resurrection of those who belong to Christ as depicted in 1 Thess 4 is supposed to happen at His Second Coming and not before that. Also, when Christ is to deliver us from the wrath to come, can it possibly mean the lake of fire (which is after the Second Coming and judgments) and not the wrath of the Lamb and of God depicted from Rev 6-15?

More On The Coming Temple

Published: July 29, 2011

How long do you think it will take to construct the temple once Israel decides they need one? I know there is some preparation underway even now, but won’t it take at least a year or two or three to construct such a grand structure? If they don’t begin construction until the beginning of the 70th week, it could be close to the middle of that week before it is completed. Will the Jews be able to use the temple before the Anti-Christ defiles it?