Ask a Bible Teacher

Are We Guilty?

Published: April 7, 2011

My boyfriend and I are committed to remaining celibate until we are married. In the year we have been together, we have not had intercourse. We have, however, engaged in mutual masturbation. Are we guilty of fornication? Many thanks for addressing such an embarrassing situation.

Folded Grave Clothes?

Published: April 7, 2011

When Jesus left the tomb, His grave clothes were neatly folded on the slab (He obviously didn’t need the earthly garments anymore.) I’m wondering if you think it’s possible that OUR clothes will also be left behind, folded neatly where we were as we ascended? If this were the case, it would be an even greater problem for the unbelievers left behind to explain to the world; but it would also be a greater pointer for those on the edge of belief to question what on earth had just happened.

Have The Seals Of Rev. 6 Been Broken?

Published: April 6, 2011

Is it possible for the seals to be broken and the judgments in Revelations 6 begin before the start of the 70th week? Many things going on now appear to be from the early stages of the seal judgments. What do you think?

Will Having Sex Keep Me From The Rapture?

Published: April 6, 2011

I believe that I’m born again and that Jesus is my savior. I have no doubts about me going in the rapture, except one. I have a sexual relationship with my boyfriend (obviously we aren’t married) and every time we are intimate, I start having doubts about whether or not I will be saved. I’ve read so many times in the Bible that the sexually immoral will never see the kingdom of heaven, and that scares me. Will my relationship with my boyfriend prevent me from going to heaven (in the rapture)? What should I do?

Peace Before The Battle?

Published: April 4, 2011

Is it likely that we will see a peace agreement before the looming attack by the neighboring Arab countries, much like the previous land for peace agreements? Or is it just as likely that the covenant will come after the attack?

Demonic Locusts

Published: March 31, 2011

Do you think the locusts of rev 9:3 are real locusts as we know them or a new breed of insects? Verse 4 also says they are not to harm those who have the seal of God on their foreheads. If these are the 144k Jews, will the other believers in the world at that time be tortured by them?

That Day And Hour

Published: March 29, 2011

Revelation 3:10 reads: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world”. In this context hour is understood as the whole time frame of God’s wrath. Is it possible that in Matthew 24:36, the hour spoken of can mean the whole time period of an entire year?

The Ashes Of A Red Heifer

Published: March 28, 2011

I have a question about the red heifer. I have a friend that tells me that they HAVE to have the ashes from the last burnt heifer to mix with the ashes of the next offering to cleanse the Temple. It’s a must he tells me. I cannot find anything on this. What will happen when they build the next Temple and need the ashes?

Was Cain’s Line Also Preserved On The Ark?

Published: March 22, 2011

Could humans other than Noah and his family have been on the ark and preserved through the Great Flood. Some believe that Cain’s line was preserved and many of his descendants live in our modern world today. They base this on Genesis 6:19 where Noah was commanded to bring two of all flesh into the ark. Could this not imply that other humans were brought aboard the Ark along with Noah and his family?

Paradise Or Heaven? Follow up

Published: March 21, 2011

Re. Paradise or Heaven? After reading your answer regarding 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 I did some research. All the translations I have looked up show “paradise” as the English translation. Are Heaven and Paradise the same, or different?