Ask a Bible Teacher

I Want To Be Left Behind

Published: March 7, 2011

As my “gut feeling” tells me the tribulation is quickly approaching, I find myself praying to be left here after the rapture. For two millennium believers have sought to bring people to Christ. What more perfect time will there be. I do not wish to die a martyr, but would accept that if it was God’s plan. I find myself praying for strength and wisdom to do this. Is this wrong?

Are My Children Saved?

Published: March 7, 2011

Both my children were born again at the age of 9 and were water baptized in a lake while attending our church camp. Today, as adults, neither attend church, or study the Bible – they aren’t “practicing” Christians. Were they old enough to truly understand and be born again? At the time, I believed they were. Are they going in the rapture?

40 More Years Until The Rapture?

Published: March 5, 2011

There has been much discussion on Facebook with the “Christ in Prophecy” group about the view that the un-fulfilled Prophecy of Ezekiel 29:12-13, Egypt’s 40 year desolation, will put the timing of the Rapture much later by some decades. Would you agree with this?

Will Two Thirds Of Earth’s Population Die?

Published: March 5, 2011

Is it true that 2/3 of earth’s human population will die during the Tribulation? Other prophecy teachers have said this many will die, but I cannot find it in the Bible. Could you please tell me if this is an accurate number, and where it can be found in the Bible?

Are There Rewards for Non-Church believers?

Published: March 5, 2011

I believe that The Great White Throne Judgment is the only judgment for the sinners from Adam til the end. And that The Judgment Seat of Christ is for rewards for the church. Is there any other judgment for rewards for the saints of The Old Testament, the Tribulation period or the 1000 years reign?

What’s To Become Of Libya?

Published: March 4, 2011

In the past, you’ve explained what the Bible has to say about the future of Lebanon and Egypt. Can you do the same for Libya?

Another Psalm 83 Question

Published: March 4, 2011

Concerning Psalm 83 — where in this chapter does it specifically mention Judah going to war with these nations? It’s a prayer by Asaph asking for God’s intervention but I can’t find any actual fighting by Israeli forces.

Praying During The Great Tribulation

Published: March 2, 2011

I just want to know that if we pray to God to help and sustain us during the great tribulation will He still answer our prayers or will the gates of heaven be shut during these times?

More On Tribulation Martyrs

Published: February 27, 2011

I have a question concerning the answer from the question regarding tribulation saints. Since the Tribulation Saints will appear in heaven before the Great Tribulation, does this mean there will be no more tribulation believers martyred during the Great Tribulation? Or, if there are, when will they be resurrected and where will they go? Will they also appear in heaven at the end of that period or go into the millennium?

No Tattoos

Published: February 24, 2011

I would swear I remember a prohibition against marking your bodies like the pagans do somewhere in the Bible but for the life of me I cant find it. Are you familiar with it?