More On Spiritual Gifts
Published: December 30, 2010Regarding Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I’m still waiting. Having never had an epiphany, of course, I’m at a loss as to the starting place of when to expect my Gift. But, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never received one unless I am too dense to recognize it. So, how does one know and recognize his Gift? I have read many questions similar to or identical with mine from people who, like I, have lived their whole life and never recognized a hint of a Gift.
The Famine In Egypt
Published: December 30, 2010In your article entitled, “And All These Things Will Be Given To You As Well” you said, “No matter how we try to justify it, storing up is an act of selfishness”; I have to disagree. Of course the Bible speaks out about “hoarding” and “not sharing/helping others” but it also speaks out about preparing for possible rough times to come. I have attached an article by (another Christian writer) for your information. It’s about the lesson on preparation for hard times from the Famine of Egypt. It pretty much “hits the nail on the head” regarding the topic.
What’s Ahead For The Jewish People
Published: December 30, 2010Revelation talks about the 144,000 remnant of Jews left at the end. Do you know the current population of Jews in Israel? My understanding was that God miraculously saves them in these next few years. However, it recently dawned on me, & I started crying when I realized that it appears more and more like there will be another blood bath. Would you please explain this for me?
The Bible And The Rapture
Published: December 29, 2010Does the Bible say that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation, or could the Rapture occur after the start of the Tribulation?
Am I Free To Marry Again?
Published: December 28, 2010I married young (19) and after 15 years of marriage my husband and I divorced due to my infidelity. Six years later, I remarried. That second marriage lasted less than a year after I found out that he was molesting my daughters. My first husband and I are at the point where I would like for us to reconcile. I have asked his forgiveness for my infidelity and he says he forgave me long ago.
I am truly sorry for the way I treated him in the past and would like the chance to be his wife again. I have also asked God to forgive me and help me to be the wife and mother I should have been. I feel in my heart that God wants my first husband and I to reconcile. We have children together and I believe he is the man God had chosen for me from the beginning. But am I free to marry again?
Why Not Rapture Us Now?
Published: December 28, 2010I’d like to first state that I believe in the pre-trib rapture, I also believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. However, sometimes I can’t help but wonder; God is omniscient and has foreknowledge. So, if He knows who will accept His gift before the tribulation, why is it necessary for him to wait on the last person in the church to be saved to call the church up? It’s not as if he isn’t sure or doesn’t know ultimately who will accept Christ and be saved before the tribulation. Why not just Rapture us sooner?
What’s The Best Use Of My Time?
Published: December 28, 2010I have been reading from books by (a 19th Century author). His main line of thought is that often we are like the nation of Israel. We are saved but through lack of faith and sin we don’t enter in to the promised life. He ‘suggests’ that because we don’t pay the price (taking up the cross and denying our-self) for the pearl of great price (close union and fellowship with God in power over sin) we continue to wander in the desert of carnal christian life.
In the past week or so It seems the LORD is taking me out of the desert. That part is great, but the consequences of my past sins are still here. I am in debt and estranged from family because of lack of love on my part and rebellion on the part of ‘others’. I guess I will now reap what I sowed. If our time left on earth is as short as you suggest the scripture says (and so It appears to me too), then how do I make best use of my time?
Abraham’s Seed
Published: December 27, 2010My husband keeps asking me where did the gentiles come from if we are all from Abraham’s seed. I am really having a hard time explaining it to him. I told him the Jews are from Abraham, but he wants to know where we are from since we should have the same dna from Abraham. Can you please help me explain this?
The Church In Heaven
Published: December 27, 2010I listened to your commentary at the end of Revelation in regards to the New Earth. First, I understand that the church will reside in the New Jerusalem. But will we (the church) have the ability, right, or desire to interface with the New Earth and its inhabitants? And if the church is supposed to go to heaven to be with Jesus, then how can he set up shop in the New Earth at the same time? Jesus as flesh and blood can only be in one place at one time. How does that work? Finally, if the church is in heaven what point would there be to have a physical glorified body? Why not just have spirit?