Praying To Mary
Published: November 20, 2010Thank you for your ministry! I continue to learn so much from your site. The bible teaches that we are to pray for one another. Many Catholics will pray to Mary to intercede on their behalf to Jesus. How is this different from asking ones own mother to pray for you? I understand that it is a sin to deify anything or anyone, but isn’t a prayer to Mary asking her to pray for you the same as asking your Pastor or friends to pray for you. Shouldn’t it be even more effective since you are asking the Lord’s own mother to intercede on your behalf? I look forward to your teaching on this.
Departure Or Apostasy?
Published: November 18, 2010As always thanks so much for your great site. I have a question regarding the word apostasia found in 2 Thes 2:3. I have recently seen several commentaries that state that the word was used 15 times in the NT and only 3 times actually meaning apostasy, and that prior to the King James version the commentaries stated the word meant departure and not apostasy. Does this in fact say that the day will not come for the son of perdition except that we will be departed (raptured) or is it referring to the apostasy?
Punishing Egypt
Published: November 17, 2010Re: “Where no man or beast shall pass through the land for 40 years.” This is in Ezekiel 29. Has this already happened or a future event?
Who Are These People?
Published: November 17, 2010I subscribe to your site and find it very informative and encouraging. Have you posted anything to explain the full meaning of Rev 7:14 where it says, “And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. “
One World Currency In 2024?
Published: November 15, 2010Please comment on “the plan” for a one world currency by the year 2024 and how this time-frame fits your interpretation of the timing of the Second Coming. I believe that the Rapture is imminent, and that there could be a gap of several years between the Rapture and Daniel’s 70th Week. Do you agree? Thanks for your website – it is truly a blessing!
What If We have It all Backwards?
Published: November 14, 2010What if a lot of Christians don’t get raptured, and what if Christians who don’t know about the mark of the beast take it because they don’t know about it and were left behind? Sometimes I wonder what if half of us miss the rapture because we’re not living the way God wants us to live. Doesn’t the Bible say when we get to heaven only those who are pure of heart can actually go into the kingdom and the ones who are not have to stay outside the gates and work their way in? What are yours thoughts on this?
Righteousness By Faith
Published: November 12, 2010RE: Is Grace Sufficient. I just have to make one comment about the homosexuality that the person questioned and one thing that you did not mention. 1 Cor. 6:9 – 10 says that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. If you are a homosexual, you cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. A homosexual must repent of his sins and literally change his/her life and never go back to that way of living.
Challenging The Calvinist View
Published: November 9, 2010Re: Calvinism. I’ve been talking to someone who uses verses like Ephesians 1:4 to suggest that we’ve been chosen and that’s that. The choice has already been made and we just have to be thankful we were chosen and not among those ‘fitted for destruction’. Any thoughts on this?
How About 12-21-12 For The Rapture?
Published: November 8, 2010With all of the worldly/secular scientific attention focused on 2012, as well as the cross-cultural historicity of myths and legends about this time (12/21/12, specifically), I think that date or general time frame would be an excellent window for the rapture itself. Associated natural phenomena (pole/magnetic reversals, solar polar shift, etc) would be great cover and match the old Hopi legend of the Sun burning away the undesirables from the planet, leaving the enlightened more evolved to carry on. So if 2011 comes and goes, why not 12/21/12 for the rapture?
Sin In Heaven?
Published: November 8, 2010Today in Bible study one of the ladies said that when she was teaching Sunday school she had a little boy ask her “If there is no sin in Heaven then how did Satan sin?” We were all pretty confounded. The closest answer we could come up with is that the angels have free will too but that still doesn’t explain how there will be no sin in Heaven once we die. What are your thoughts on this?