Bringing Them Up To Send Them Back?
Published: October 6, 2010I accept and understand that at the moment of death your soul goes either to heaven or hell. I understand the rewards for the faithful believers in heaven. But what is the purpose of resurrecting the unbelievers bringing them up from Hell. Just to judge them and send them back to hell? Can you clarify this for me.
How Are The Jews Saved?
Published: October 6, 2010My question is, are the Jews saved? Are they redeemed by Christ because they are God’s chosen? Many must love God. I ask because I have a couple of Jewish friends, and am worried about this. I love them and don’t want them to go to Hell. I’ve tried witnessing, but being the normal teenagers they are, they totally rejected what I said. Will the Jews be saved after the Tribulation?
The Millennium: Same Or Different?
Published: October 5, 2010I have two questions regarding the millennium. If “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind” (Isa. 65:17) is spoken at end of the millennium and refers to eternity, does this mean the people of the nations will remember their loved ones and friends during the millennium? And secondly, I think Micah 4:5 is speaking about the millennium when it says, “all the nations may walk in the name of their Gods, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.” I understand that all who enter the millennium will be believers, but I assume that over time they will begin to seek and follow their own “gods.” Is this correct?
In the light of these two passages it just seems that the millennium, for the nations, will not be much different than it is now. Is this correct, and will the millennium only be strikingly different for the church and Israel? I’m sure that I am missing something here, because I always thought the millennium would be different for everyone.
Will I Be Able To Continue Tithing?
Published: October 5, 2010My parents are both past retirement age (into their late 70’s and early 80’s) and for medical reasons my mom has been forced to stop working (mostly). This is going to severely inhibit their ability to have enough income for basic necessities. I want to be able to contribute financially to my parents so that they can continue living with some dignity and honor. I currently have been tithing to our local church and God has blessed us immeasurably. However, my ability to assist my parents would most likely end up re-directing my tithe contributions from our church to my parents. What are your thoughts on this approach?
Gentiles In The Millennium
Published: October 5, 2010My question is how can the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, after the seven-years of the tribulation, mark the end of the gentiles when Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Palestinians will all be alive and well during the Millennium?
What Causes All The Martyrs?
Published: October 4, 2010I had the idea that the primary indicator of the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week is the appearance of the AC. So, what is the difference between his “appearance,” as a powerful, or soon-to-be-powerful, political figure, and his revealing as the AC? Is he revealed when he commits the Abomination (which sets off the Great Tribulation), or is he revealed as the AC before that?
Along the same line, I always thought the 70th Week martyrs suffer because they will not accept the mark, and that is after the Abomination. If it isn’t that, what produces the persecutions that result in the martyrdom of a huge number of believers before the requirement to take the mark?
Does The Church Return With Jesus?
Published: October 4, 2010In one of your studies on the Rapture, you say that in Revelation 17:14, the Church returns with Jesus at the Second Coming because He is returning with His called, chosen and faithful followers, which can only be the Church. I can recall recently that you said that the Church will not accompany Jesus at the Second Coming because a Groom does not bring His Bride into battle. Could you clarify this?
Did Adam Know What Death Is?
Published: October 3, 2010I had a question/comment relating to the Garden of Eden. You usually don’t think about there being death in the garden until after Adam and Eve have sinned, yet God tells them not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge…you shall surely die. Then Satan says you surely shall not die. I was just wondering what reference or example did they have of death at this point. They must have understood the concept, did animals die at this point before the fall?
Where Is The Lord Taking Them?
Published: October 3, 2010Thank you for your web site. I am learning so much. In Mark 13:27 what is going on here and where is he taking them? “And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”
Is My Dad’s Ministry OK?
Published: October 2, 2010My mother had an affair and got pregnant to her boyfriend. My father who was a Pastor was forced to resign and after 4 years of separation mum divorced Dad. Dad met a lady 2 yrs after the divorce was finalized and they got married. Dad has since started pastoring a church again and I am concerned that his ministry will be ineffectual due to the sin of remarriage. My dad’s new wife was divorced from her alcoholic abusive husband for 12 years before she met dad and only became a Christian 3 years before they met.