Ask a Bible Teacher

What If You’re Wrong?

Published: October 2, 2010

For centuries men have been putting a date on the second coming, the rapture or both. And they have always been wrong, made fools of themselves and given unbelievers more reasons for not believing. Now you’ve calculated that because the scriptures say that the generation that saw Israel become a nation will not pass away before the second coming of Christ. And because scripture says that a lifespan is 70 years, that places the rapture no later than sometime in 2011. Which makes sense to me and I agree with that. However …

In the past men have guessed wrong because they didn’t understand what the scripture was actually saying. But , “this generation will not pass away” is extremely clear and hard to misunderstand. So assuming it hasn’t been misunderstood and that neither has the 70 year lifespan in Psalm 90, what do we do if 2012 then 2013 come and go and we are still here? What does that do to this generation, 1948 + 70 years and everything else you’ve taught and believe in? It scares me to think this could actually happen.

Mistakes In Matthew?

Published: October 2, 2010

In Matthew 13:35 he cites a passage a passage from the Old Testament : “I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.” He gives this as fulfillment of what was spoken by ‘the prophet.’ But this passage is from Psalm 78. Does he also make a mistake in Matthew 21:5 quoting Zechariah 9:9 when mentions ‘mounted on an ass and on a colt’ Where Zechariah sees them as one and the same. Please explain how these are not mistakes. Thanks.

Angel Bodies?

Published: October 1, 2010

Thank you for your site. It has become my every day delight! In the New Jerusalem, we will be like the angels in heaven According to Mark 12:25. That means our bodies will not be human-like but angel -like. If that’s the case, then why does Rev 22:2 mention the tree of Life producing fruits each month. Is that fruit for the church-angels? (Do angels eat?) Also Rev 22:3(NIV) mentions that the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. What does that mean?

The Millennium Sabbath

Published: September 30, 2010

Do you believe there is significance to the Millennium-Sabbath Theory and do any reputable figures in history or current prophecy sites believe this? I know it’s not what Peter was actually referring to when he said a day is like a thousand years, but the idea sure seems to hold credibility.

More On The Holy Spirit After The Rapture

Published: September 29, 2010

In your answer to a question about the Holy Spirit you said, “After we’re raptured, we’ll no longer need the Holy Spirit to be sealed within us, since the event His presence guaranteed will have taken place. During the 70th week the Holy Spirit, having been released from the Church, will resume a ministry on Earth similar to the one He performed in Old Testament times. ” This scares me.

Adam did not have a sin nature, he was sinless. I don’t think that he wanted to sin in the beginning. He was without the Holy Spirit and he sinned to his destruction. Lucifer did not have a sin nature, he was sinless, and he sinned to his destruction. If the Holy Spirit is not needed because we have a sinless nature and don’t desire to sin, but leaves us to return to earth, how long can it be before we end up like Lucifer and Adam with a new mess on our heads for which there is no more sacrifice? Doesn’t forever mean forever?

I’m Confused, Follow Up

Published: September 27, 2010

I have a question about your answer to “I’m Confused”. You said the introduction of the anti-Christ doesn’t officially happen until the middle of the 70th week, several years after the Church is gone. I always thought the anti-Christ signs a peace agreement with the Jews at the beginning of the 7 years which he then breaks and establishes himself in the temple, the abomination of desolation. How can the peace agreement occur without the anti-Christ identifying himself? Can you clarify what is wrong with my thinking?

Another Question About Babylon

Published: September 23, 2010

Like so many, your web site continues to inform and bless me and my family. We are very excited about our Lord’s coming for his church. As I study the world’s events, one thing keeps bothering me. Is Babylon going to be rebuilt to the extent it appears to be in the Bible to accommodate the Lord’s return in the 2018 time frame? I am worried a city of that magnitude would take longer to develop. Would love your input on this subject. Thank you and God bless!!

A Different 490 Years

Published: September 23, 2010

The way I understand it thus far is for 490 years the Jews did not give their land a Sabbath year of rest so that was 70 years they owed God for the land Sabbaths. They went into exile to Babylon and that paid that debt. Daniel 9 speaks of six things they must square away for the 490 years that are determined for them. 69 weeks of years were fulfilled and the 70th week of years is coming up after the Church Age, what we nick name the 7 Year Tribulation Period. What is it that makes the 490 years still on the clock for them since they served the 70 years for the land Sabbaths in exile already?

Prayer Furnaces

Published: September 21, 2010

Thanks for all you do in the name of our Lord. My question is about prayer furnaces. Pastors these days are saying that the prayer furnaces are mainly important because they will usher back the return of Christ. I haven’t seen anywhere in the Bible where this is true. Am I missing something?

I absolutely believe prayer in these last days is important. I understand that the true church will be weak, and it’s hard for me to accept that the church is going to be strong in the last days and their is going to be a huge revival on the heels of these prayer furnaces. What do you think?

With All That Noise How Can The Rapture Be Secret?

Published: September 20, 2010

I was discussing the rapture with some other guys. One of them said that (regarding 1 Thes. 4) there’s a shout and a trumpet, so how could the rapture be secret if there’s such a big fanfare right before it happens? Second, they said that John 14:2-3 could just as easily mean that we come back to earth to the New Creation in Rev. 21. It seems to me that there is a bunch of stuff being skipped over for that interpretation to work. Your thoughts?