One Anti-Christ Or Two?
Published: July 28, 2010I’m doing a study on the book of Revelation and I ran into a bit of a snag. While the Beast is supposed to have killed the prophets(chapter 11) and the tribulation saints are being martyred, The Beast doesn’t seem to show up until Chapter 13. How does this work? Also, I have been debating with someone who insists that the BEAST and the Anti-Christ are two different characters, despite the fact that they share the same characteristics. But because the name/title ANTI-CHRIST aren’t mentioned in Revelation, this person is arguing that they are separate persons.
Would He Still Be His Father’s Son?
Published: July 27, 2010What would have been the eternal destiny of the prodigal son if he had not repented? I mean if he had a heart attack in that hog wallow and died pounding his fist in that mud and slop cursing his father saying either in word or in his heart something to the effect “I’d rather die here than be in the presence of my father”….would he still have retained his sonship? (ie justification)
Is My Jewish Friend Saved?
Published: July 27, 2010I have a friend who is Jewish and at one time in the distant past professed her belief that Jesus was her Savior. Now she will only go to the Jewish temple and refuses to come to church with me. My question is: has she committed the unforgivable sin? Also, is there no place in heaven for those Jews who died loving God but have not accepted Jesus as His Son? You have said in other teachings that God has turned His attention away from the Jews to the Church and will turn back to them after the Rapture. Would God not provide a place for those who now die loving God the Father to wait for the second coming of their King as in the old testament where he provided paradise/sheol for believers who waited for the first coming of the Messiah?
Where Will Believers Be In The Millenniium?
Published: July 25, 2010I was wondering where will born again believers be in the millennium if they were born again before the millennial rule and reign of Christ.
The Number Of Testing
Published: July 25, 2010Last Sunday, our lesson was from Ex. 32-34. As I prepared to teach, two questions came to mind. First, I have noticed the #40 occurs often in the bible. Moses was 40 years old when he killed the Egyptian, 40 years later God called him to go back to Egypt and tell Pharoah to release the Israelites. Moses was on Mt. Sinai with God two different times for 40 days. Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days. Does the #40 have a specific meaning?
Also, all the times that Moses was on the mountain with God, his face glowed with radiance only after receiving the second set of stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. Do you have any idea as to why this happen on this occasion?
Supernatural Removal Or Massacre?
Published: July 25, 2010From all the anti-Christian talk I see on the web, I am starting to believe that the rapture may not be a supernatural removal of Christians from the face of the earth but instead a mass martyrdom of Christian around the world based on the false idea that if the world could just get rid of Christianity then everything would be better. I believe this could happen after the battle of Ezekiel 38 and could see the antichrist rise in an effort to “weed out” believers thru a mark. Many times thru history believers have suffered and died in the name of Christ and their resolve and strength even in the face of death is an inspiration to believers who hear their stories. What does the Bible say in your opinion about people being “magically” removed from the earth in the rapture?
Will Jerusalem Be Divided Again?
Published: July 25, 2010I really enjoy your website and have learned much from the articles you’ve posted. Recently Israel has been facing a greater pressure from the international community to withdrawal their borders to the 1967 borders and to divide Jerusalem so that the Palestinians may establish their capital in the proposed East Jerusalem. PM Netanyahu has even been under the political pressure of the United States to “give back land” and divide Jerusalem since Obama has occupied the Oval Office. My question is this: Is it prophesied in the Bible that in the last days Jerusalem would be divided and under the partial control by Israel’s enemies (Palestinians)?
Still More On The Gift Of Tongues
Published: July 24, 2010I just want to say I really enjoy your site. I wanted to ask you if you claim there is no such thing as a personal prayer language why did Paul say i thank my god i speak in tongues more then you all yet in the church i would rather speak five words with the understanding that i may teach others also then ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. I pray in tongues a lot. It edifies me and has been a great tool although just one tool in my walk with the Lord. It really grieves my spirit to hear you speak against the prayer language when it has been such a blessing to me in my walk with the Lord.
Another View Of Daniel 9?
Published: July 24, 2010I was browsing through another website, and the poster of the site seems to think that the “he” in Daniel 9:27 is Jesus and not the anti-Christ. Furthermore, he goes on to post, because Jesus’ earthly ministry lasted 3.5 years, the first part of the 7 year period is done. He also states: “Nowhere in the Bible is there mentioned a 7 year tribulation. Nowhere! There is mention of tribulation, great tribulation, Jacob’s trouble, judgment, wrath, etc., but not a 7 year tribulation.” What do you think?
Eating And Drinking And Getting Married
Published: July 22, 2010Re: Matthew 24:37-39 Why did Jesus say eating and drinking and marriage? Why didn’t he mention violence going on or bad things happening everywhere. Why did he refer to those days with that explanation. Everyone eats and drinks nowadays and gets married? I don’t understand what he might actually mean?