Ask a Bible Teacher

Did The Jews Understand?

Published: May 9, 2010

I enjoy your site very much, thank you for what you do! If gentiles hear the message of salvation but don’t accept it because they don’t understand it then we believe they will get another chance during the tribulation. But if they hear it and reject it, they won’t. What about the Jews?

If they are truly Jewish then you assume they understand the concept of the redeemer even though they don’t believe it is Jesus, right? Yet there will be 144,000 of them chosen after the rapture to be witnesses. So, since gentiles who hear the message and deny it will not get a second chance after the rapture then why will the Jews? Am I totally misguided in this area?

Dating The Rapture? Follow Up

Published: May 7, 2010

I wanted to point out something on your site that isn’t Biblical and is wrong to tell God’s Church. You have a post called “Dating the Rapture” and it says in the Answer area that you think the Second Coming will happen in 2018. That is date setting and is wrong. You cannot put a date on Jesus Christ. “No one knows the day nor hour”. Also, Matthew 24 was written to the Jews and Luke 21 to the Gentiles. Matthew’s account will be a survival book for the Jews during the Tribulation. “This generation” refers to the generation during the Tribulation, the generation of Jews. Please correct what you have because it is wrong and not biblical.

More On The Parable Of The 10 Virgins

Published: May 7, 2010

Re: The parable of the 10 virgins. At the risk of beating an issue to death I have question about this parable. In reading different Bible translations for Matt. 25:10 sometimes marriage is used and others wedding banquet or wedding feast. I am a bit confused since going to the marriage is completely different than going to the feast. One way indicates the marriage is still to be and the feast indicates the marriage has taken place. In my view that changes the meaning quite a bit. If the “marriage” is a reference to the rapture this parable could be about that. If “feast” is used your view of this parable describing end of tribulation events makes more sense. Can you enlighten me as to the more correct translation?

How Could Satan Know?

Published: May 7, 2010

Thanks for your awesome, uplifting ministry from which I have learned much. I liked your answer, for the most part, on the question of guilt. However, since Satan is not omniscient he wouldn’t know my guilty thoughts. So how is it that he would be ‘heaping guilt on me’?

Adam And Eve

Published: May 6, 2010

My question is two fold: if Adam was created first in God’s Image, in perfection, why then would he need “help” from Eve? Is there a lost translation here? Secondly, is there any biblical reference for why the enemy targeted Eve first, not Adam?

Who Will Pray Psalm 83?

Published: May 5, 2010

Re: Psalm 83. This plea to the Lord is for the Lord to do all these things to Israel’s neighbors. That conveys that the nation recognizes the Lord and is asking for His help. Wouldn’t their eyes need to be opened and their hearts turned to Him to ask Him to help them as a nation to defend them against those who are trying to wipe them out of existence?

God Or Archaeology?

Published: May 5, 2010

How does the Bible explain the evolution of man that is Darwin inspired. Specifically, if God created Adam/Eve at a certain time frame which has been noted as only a few thousand years, how does the Bible explain the fact that archaeologists have uncovered human skulls that are millions of years old? This confuses me. I am at a lost to explain this to anyone who would ask me about it.

How Can They Do That?

Published: May 5, 2010

How is it possible for any Jew to believe that the anti-Christ is the Messiah? The prophecies for the Messiah in the OT are completely different from the prophecies about the anti-Christ in the OT. If the anti-Christ is from the same people who brought down Jerusalem in the Daniel prophecies, a revived Roman Empire, why would a Jew believe that same person is the Messiah, who must be a Jew from the tribe of Judah, etc.?

Will God Heal Diseases Caused By Sexual Sin?

Published: May 4, 2010

I was reading your web site with regards to healing and I have a question. I read where someone asked if God would heal a person if that person was sick due to their own sin. But the question concerned a person who did too much exercise. The question I have is will God heal us if we are sick due to sexual sins? And will he heal us of the consequences of those sins that are in our bodies and have NO medical cure?

Egypt’s 40 Year Desolation

Published: May 2, 2010

Your article on ‘confirming the sequence of end time events’ with the Psalm 83 prophecy really interested me. I found that the same nations mentioned in Psalm 83 were also prophesied against in Ezekiel chapter 25-26. In Ezekiel 29 is a judgment against Egypt and in verse 11 it declares that Egypt will not be inhabited for 40 years. I am interested in how this would fit in with the end time events and your thoughts on the timing of the rapture. Could this mean that there will have to be at least 40 more years after it’s destruction till the 7 year tribulation period?