Ask a Bible Teacher

Jacob And Esau

Published: February 3, 2010

I’ve been going through a study in Genesis by (a popular Bible Teacher). If Jacob is Israel and Esau is the father of the Palestinians, and Jacob and his mother tricked his father into blessing him, when in deed the blessing was meant for Esau, no wonder the Palestinians have been so angry and defiant all these years. Can you explain to me how/why God would honor such a trick by blessing the 12 tribes of Israel and the Abrahamic covenant via Jacob when it seems that is was done so dishonestly?

Satan’s Heaven?

Published: February 2, 2010

I once heard a speaker who said he had died (or was taken away on an amazing trip – he’s not sure which) while suffering a heart attack. He saw Satan’s heaven, and the outside of God’s heaven. He was instructed and informed about many things and came back to consciousness in the hospital. He spent the rest of his life (he may still be alive) traveling the world to tell his story. I met him in Hawaii in 1990 or so and heard him tell his story at least twice. I was a new Christian then and I’m sorry that I can’t really remember too much about his story due to my ignorance then. One of the things he said he was told was that there is no age, sex or race in heaven. Have you ever heard that said before or do you have a teaching about that subject?

A Cashless Society?

Published: February 1, 2010

Do you see us going to a cashless society soon?

Can Satan Restore Life?

Published: February 1, 2010

Today I received a revelation from “Israel my glory” magazine which confused my biblically uneducated mind and I need your help. Satan doesn’t have the ability to restore life once someone is dead. Does the AntiChrist come back to life after receiving the apparently deadly head wound as I have always believed? My study bible says maybe the reference is to the Roman Empire or to the AntiChrist but doesn’t really say either one is for sure the healed item.

A Rapture Hint?

Published: January 31, 2010

Could the following verse possibly be a rapture hint? I searched your site for this passage, but didn’t get anything. I apologize if you’ve already covered this one. “That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:” (Ephes. 1:10) Thanks for taking time to answer all our questions.

What If We’re Wrong?

Published: January 30, 2010

I think Daniel’s 70th week will likely begin around the end of 2011 with the Rapture happening sometime between now and then. I don’t believe that’s the same as naming the day and hour. So if we are still here beginning of 2012 then are we to believe that there will be no rapture and that we will have to bear God’s wrath just like Noah did in the great flood?

Will We Witness The Great White Throne Judgment?

Published: January 30, 2010

I’m very, very thankful for your site! I’d like to ask you a question about the Great White Throne of judgment. My mom use to say that believers would not be at the judgment of the unbelievers, because it would be too painful for them to see people they knew, being thrown into the lake of fire. I believe we will be there, because we will forever be with the Lord. Would you tell me what you think about this?

Pre-Born Babies In The Rapture

Published: January 25, 2010

I really enjoy your site and have learned much from it; my question I have for you is if a non-believing woman is pregnant and the lord comes; does her un born baby go back to heaven or stay with the non believing mom. Could you please help me with this one, thank you so much for your help and thank you for having such a wonderful site.

Don’t Take Our Children

Published: January 23, 2010

I’ve been freaked out by reports from Europe of the government taking children away from Christian parents for one ridiculous reason or another. I have done what I can to help these people –written letters to the governments involved, spread the word to friends, signed petitions– but I have begun to be afraid that such a thing could happen in the US. This kind of thing is really a parent’s worst nightmare. Is there a Scripture I can use to claim protection over my children in a situation like this?

Germany And The End Times

Published: January 22, 2010

I have a roommate who was born and raised in Poland. The Polish people still talk about WWII and relive it as if it were still ongoing. My roommate believes the German’s are in a position to try and take over Europe and eventually the world. I try and point out to him that the Bible doesn’t seem to give Germany that role. From your expert opinion, what is the future of Germany? Are they the ruling power over the European Union or are they just another country that makes up the whole?